Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.dll Package: Microsoft.PowerBI.Api v3.20.1 C# [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonProperty(PropertyName="id")]publicstringId {get;set; } Property Value String Attributes Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute Applies to პროდუქტივერსიები ...
POST https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/datasets/{datasetId}/refreshes URI 参数 展开表 名称在必需类型说明 datasetId path True string 数据集 ID 请求正文 展开表 名称必需类型说明 notifyOption True NotifyOption 邮件通知选项。 此参数不适用于使用服务主体进行增强的刷新或 API 操作。 applyRefre...
Microsoft.PowerBI.Security Assembly: Microsoft.PowerBI.Core.dll Package: Microsoft.PowerBI.Core v1.1.11 C# publicstringDatasetId {get;set; } Property Value String Applies to ProdusVersiuni Azure SDK for .NETLatest În acest articol Definition ...
Power BI 可刷新数据集是至少刷新了一次或存在有效刷新计划的数据集。 QnaEmbedURL string 数据集 Q&A 嵌入 URL addRowsAPIEnabled boolean 数据集是否允许添加新行 configuredBy string 数据集所有者 description string 数据集说明 id string 数据集 ID name string 数据集名称 queryScaleOutSettings ...
My problem is I getOperation returned an invalid status code 'Bad Request'exception from Power BI API methodclient.Datasets.GetDatasetByIdInGroupAsync(GroupId, dataSetId)sometimes and my assumption is that they should update the dataset in power bi. ...
连接到Power BI的XMLA端点可以实现以下目标: 数据提取:通过Python连接到Power BI的XMLA端点,可以从数据集中提取数据,以便进行进一步的分析和处理。 数据转换和清洗:使用Python的数据处理库,可以对从Power BI获取的数据进行转换和清洗,以满足特定的需求。 数据分析和可视化:Python提供了各种库和工具,如Pandas、Num...
SKUs. This can be done by opening your capacity in the Azure portal, clicking onAccess control (IAM) and adding the “Power BI Premium” app to theReaderrole. If you’re unable to find the app by name, you can also add it by its client Id: cb4dc29f-0bf4-402a-8b3...
SKUs. This can be done by opening your capacity in the Azure portal, clicking onAccess control (IAM) and adding the “Power BI Premium” app to theReaderrole. If you’re unable to find the app by name, you can also add it by its client Id: cb4dc29f-0bf4-402a-8b30...