角色:DataHub提供了使用角色来管理权限的功能。 访问令牌(个人访问令牌):个人访问令牌(Personal Access Tokens,简称pat)允许用户在代码中表示自己,并在关注安全性的部署中以编程方式使用DataHub的api。PATs与启用身份验证的元数据服务一起使用,为DataHub增加了一层保护,只有授权用户才能以自动化的方式执行操作。 视图:...
角色:DataHub提供了使用角色来管理权限的功能。 访问令牌(个人访问令牌):个人访问令牌(Personal Access Tokens,简称pat)允许用户在代码中表示自己,并在关注安全性的部署中以编程方式使用DataHub的api。PATs与启用身份验证的元数据服务一起使用,为DataHub增加了一层保护,只有授权用户才能以自动化的方式执行操作。 视图:...
Eternal personal access tokens are now supported Deprecated support for Python 3.6 (we expect this to have little-to-no impact on the Community based on pip download data) Metadata Ingestion Improved documentation for Domains transformer Stateful Ingestion now supported for Glue data-lakeSource has be...
fix(smoke-test): test access to create/revoke personal access tokens by @ksrinath in #10848 fix(smoke-test): missing test for move domain by @Kunal-kankriya in #10837 ci: update usernames to not considered for community by @anshbansal in #10851 env: change defaults for data contract ...
General Open Access Datasets for Alignment 🟢: Type Tags 🏷️: SFT: Supervised Finetune Dialog: Each entry contains continuous conversations Pairs: Each entry is an input-output pair Context: Each entry has a context text and related QA pairs ...
Remove multiple generate personal access tokens (datahub-project#4239) February 23, 2022 20:33 perf-test perf: add/change scripts for tests (datahub-project#3840) January 17, 2022 08:38 smoke-test feat(platform): add timeline api for dataset entity (datahub-project#… February 24...