InProxy host,Proxy user, andPortfields, specify connection details. To ensure that the connection to the data source is successful, clickTest Connection. Was this page helpful? YesNo Cannot connect to a database Step 1. Check your network settings ...
Host: A hostname of a computer or another device that stores a database. It can be an IP address or a domain name localhost. Database: A name of the database to which you want to connect. You can find the database name in the settings of your database server, or you ...
Now I can work with the DB from the DataGrip, but it still strange that internal OS ssh client can connect to the host while sshJ cannot. And yes, I have that problem not with every ssh tunnel, only with specific ones. I have another DBs that use different tunnels, ...
When you connect to a data source, DataGrip can retrieve and display you all the databases that the data source has. But in some cases (for example, with certain settings of PgBouncer), you can or are allowed to work only with a certain database. In the database tree view with the ...
Connect to a database with SSH Open data source properties. You can open data source properties by using one of the following options: Navigate to File | Data Sources... Press CtrlAltShift0S. In the Database Explorer (View | Tool Windows | Database Explorer), click the Data Source...
Connect to a Docker daemon running in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Minikube If you are runningminikube, select this option to automatically detect and connect to the minikube's Docker Engine environment. If DataGrip cannot detect minikube or if it is running remotely, run theminikube docke...
If you are usingDocker Desktopfor Windows, you can connect to the Docker Engine through a named pipe atnpipe:///./pipe/docker_engineor a TCP socket attcp://localhost:2375. You can also connect toPodman, which has an API that is equivalent to the Docker Engine API. For more information...