The Datacon 8800 TC advanced sets the new benchmark based on the proven 8800 concept with total process control, advanced capabilities and unsurpassed production stability. With its unique and complete new Advanced Hardware architecture, unique 7-Axis Bond head and Advanced Process capabilities, the ...
【导读】BesiDatacon8800TCadvanced芯片焊接机ThermoCompressionbondingisthekeytechnologyforcurrent2.5D/3DC... BesiDatacon8800TCadvanced芯片焊接机 ThermoCompressionbondingisthekeytechnologyforcurrent2.5D/3DC2SandC2Wpackaging,withTC-CUFasthecurrentlyestablishedprocessfor3Dmemoryapplications. TheDatacon8800TCadvancedsets...
Datacon 8800 CHAMEOadvanced 2 Pages Datacon 8800 TC advanced 2 Pages Esec 2100 hSi / sDadvancedi 2 Pages Datacon 2200 evo advanced 2 Pages INVESTOR PRESENTATION 52 Pages Fico AMS-W Top Foil 2 Pages Fico MMS-LM Top Foil 2 Pages Esec 2100 FC hS ...
Besi Datacon 8800 TC advanced 芯片焊接机 Thermo Compression bonding is the key technology for current 2.5D/3D C2S and C2W packaging, with TC-CUF as the currently established process for 3D memory applications. The Datacon 8800 TC advanced sets the new benchmark based on the proven 8800 ...
【导读】BesiDatacon8800CHAMEOadvanced芯片焊接机HighestProductivityforFO-WLPAsanewadvancedpackagingtechn... BesiDatacon8800CHAMEOadvanced芯片焊接机 HighestProductivityforFO-WLPAsanewadvancedpackagingtechnology,Wafer-LevelFan-OutPackaging(WL-FOP)isacosteffectivesolutiontoaddressincreasingdemandsforperformance,formfactor,...