Besi Datacon 8800 FC QUANTUM sigma 芯片焊接机 The Datacon 8800 FC QUANTUM sigma flip chip bonder represents the next generation of the high-volume, high-accuracy 8800 platform. Beside the factory-proven QUANTUM values it provides superior speed and accuracy while drastically improving your cost-of-...
X/Yplacementaccuracy±2m@3sigmaAccuracyselfcheckSingleBMCkitOutputupto1,000UPHNumberofbondheads27-axisTCbondhead4°-4°rotationToolheatingupto420°CRampingspeed+200°C/s(Heating) -100°C/s(Coo领)Temperatureuniformity±5°CInterfacetemperaturemonitoringIntegratedmeasurementBondforce3-250N(fullUPH)Bondcontr...
Besi Datacon 8800 TC advanced 芯片焊接机 Thermo Compression bonding is the key technology for current 2.5D/3D C2S and C2W packaging, with TC-CUF as the currently established process for 3D memory applications. The Datacon 8800 TC advanced sets the new benchmark based on the proven 8800 ...
Find out all of the information about the BE Semiconductor Industries N.V. product: multi-chip for flip chip die bonder Datacon 8800 CHAMEO advanced . Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest
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Global accuracy ± 5 µm @ 3 sigma Vision system 4 Mpix, 6 x 6 mm FOV Strips, Boats, Panels 340 mm C2W 12" Fluxer option Multi Chip included UPH (dipping process) 6000 UPH (FO-WLP / no dipping) 7000 Clean room class ISO 5 (optionally) Face-down included Face-up option Tape ...
Besi Datacon 8800 CHAMEO advanced 芯片焊接机 Highest Productivity for FO-WLP As a new advanced packaging technology, Wafer-Level Fan-Out Packaging (WL-FOP) is a cost effective solution to address increasing demands for performance, form factor, and warpage control. The Datacon 8800 CHAMEO ...
±10m@3sigma(7monrequest) Heatedbondhead(optional) Upto350°C Bondforce 07,500g(programmable) Wafer Diesize Dieattach0.17mm50mm FlipChip0.8mm50mm Diethickness 0.02mm7mm Wafersize 4"12" TapeandReel Tapewidth 8mm44mm SubstratesandCarriers ...