Create Azure Databricks workspaces Manage workspace settings Databricks SQL admin settings Manage users, service principals & groups Monitor usage with system tables System tables overview Audit log system table Billing system tables Data lineage system tables Marketplace system tables Compute system tables...
notebook_id string 與使用量相關聯的筆記本標識碼。 只會傳回筆記本使用量的無伺服器計算值,否則會傳 NULL回。 dlt_pipeline_id string 與使用量記錄相關聯的 Delta Live Tables 管線標識碼 run_name string 與使用記錄相關聯的馬賽克 AI 模型訓練微調執行的唯一用戶對應標識碼使用...
此选项直接映射到 PolyBase 中的 CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE 语句的 REJECT_VALUE 选项,并映射到 Azure Synapse 连接器的 COPY 命令的 MAXERRORS 选项。默认情况下,maxErrors 值设置为 0:所有记录都应有效。异步状态检查点现已正式发布可以在具有较大状态更新的有状态流式处理查询中启用异步状态检查点。 这可以减少端到...
在Azure Databricks 中,诊断日志以 JSON 格式输出事件。 在 Azure Databricks 中,审核日志以 JSON 格式输出事件。 serviceName 和actionName 属性标识事件。 命名约定遵循 Databricks REST API。以下JSON 示例是用户创建作业时记录的事件的示例:JSON 复制 { "TenantId": "<your-tenant-id>", "SourceSystem": "...
ADF can authenticate to Azure Databricks usingmanaged identityauthentication or personal access tokens (PAT), but using managed identity is the best practice. Using the system managed identity of ADF to authenticate to Azure Databricks provides a more secure authentication technique and also elimina...
Extract a comprehensive set of Unity Catalog metadata, including details of metastore, catalogs, schemas, tables/views, and columns, etc. Automatically classify the data based on built-in system classification rules or user-defined custom classification rules to identify sensiti...
System owned <resourceType> cannot be deleted. CANNOT_DROP_AMBIGUOUS_CONSTRAINT SQLSTATE: 42K0C Cannot drop the constraint with the name <constraintName> shared by a CHECK constraint and a PRIMARY KEY or FOREIGN KEY constraint. You can drop the PRIMARY KEY or FOREIGN KEY constraint by queries...
Smooth Transition:Azure Databricks turned out to be a flexible in-between solution. If needed, switching from Azure Databricks to Azure Data Factory (ADF) or creating our own system wasrelativelystraightforward. Security and Governance:A future enhancement for security in Databricks might include incorp...
It is designed specifically to work with Databricks File System (DBFS) and Apache Spark. It provides unifies streaming and batch data processing, ACID transactions, and scalable metadata handling. It stores your data as Apache Parquet files in DBFS and maintains a transaction log that accurately ...
系統數據表是目錄中您帳戶作業數據的 system Azure Databricks 裝載分析存放區。 帳戶管理員可以讓系統數據表存取稽核記錄、可計費的使用記錄、譜系數據等等。 請參閱 使用系統數據表監視使用量。 管理帳戶設定 帳戶管理員可以使用 [設定] 區段,從帳戶控制台管理其 Azure Databricks 帳戶的各個層面。 這包括跨帳戶啟用...