适用于: Databricks SQL Databricks Runtime返回选择性指定的架构的所有表。此外,此语句的输出可以通过可选的匹配模式进行筛选。 如果未指定架构,则从当前架构返回表。语法复制 SHOW TABLES [ { FROM | IN } schema_name ] [ [ LIKE ] regex_pattern ] ...
Databricks SQL Databricks Runtime Returns all the tables for an optionally specified schema. Additionally, the output of this statement may be filtered by an optional matching pattern. If no schema is specified then the tables are returned from the current schema. ...
SQLКөшіру — List dropped tables from an existing schema + catalog. >USECATALOGdefault; >USESCHEMAmy_schema; >CREATETABLEmy_table_1; >CREATETABLEmy_table_2; >DROPTABLEmy_table_1; >SHOWTABLESDROPPED; catalogname schemaname tablename tableid tabletype deletedat createdat updated...
IF NOT EXISTS:如果数据库中已存在同名的表,则不会执行任何操作。 USING data_source:用于表的文件格式,data_source 必须是 TEXT、CSV、JSON、JDBC、PARQUET、ORC、HIVE、DELTA 或 LIBSVM 中的一个,或 org.apache.spark.sql.sources.DataSourceRegister 的自定义实现的完全限定的类名。支持使用 HIVE 创建 Hive S...
SQL ALTERTABLEtable_nameSETTBLPROPERTIES ('delta.deletedFileRetentionDuration'='30 days'); 參數 table_name 識別現有的 Delta 數據表。 名稱不得包含時態規格或選項規格。 RETAIN num HOURS 保留閾值。 DRY RUN 傳回最多要刪除 1000 個檔案的清單。
("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions",numFiles) spark.conf.get("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions") sql(s"drop database if exists $dbName cascade") sql(s"create database if not exists $dbName") sql(s"use $dbName") sql(s"show tables").show(false) import scala.util.Random case class ConnRecord(...
%sql DROP TABLE IF EXISTS current_inventory_delta; CREATE TABLE current_inventory_delta USING delta AS SELECT * FROM current_inventory; SHOW TABLES; SELECT * FROM current_inventory_delta; 步骤1:将目标数据更新至delta表 %pyspark spark.read.option("header","True").csv("oss://databricks-demo/onl...
revert-migrated-tables command move command alias command Code migration commands lint-local-code command migrate-local-code command migrate-dbsql-dashboards command revert-dbsql-dashboards command Cross-workspace installations sync-workspace-info command manual-workspace-info command create-account-grou...
Unable to execute multiple SQL statements on one entry in hooks config bug #831 opened Oct 20, 2024 by geo-martino 3 Updating liquid clustering on incremental runs breaks concurrency for incremental tables bug #826 opened Oct 14, 2024 by mmansikka 2 Implement Microbatch enhancement #...
Presentation: Querying data files; writing data files to tables Hands-on exercise: Process data files with Spark SQL Q&A Break Advanced ETL (80 minutes) Presentation: Advanced transformations; higher order functions; SQL UDFs Hands-on exercises: Apply advanced transformations; answer knowledge-...