last_day(expr) 返回日期所属月份的最后一天。 make_date(year,month,day) 从year、month 和day 字段创建日期。 make_dt_interval([days[, hours[, mins[, secs]]]) 从days、hours、mins 和secs 创建日期时间间隔。 make_interval(years, months, weeks, days, hours, mins, secs) 已弃用:...
dayofmonth 函式 dayofweek 函式 dayofyear 函式 decimal 函式 譯碼函式 譯碼(字元集) 函式 degrees 函式 dense_rank 函式 div 運算子 double 函式 e 函式 element_at函式 elt 函式 encode 函式 endswith 函式 eqeqsign 運算符 eqsign 運算符 equal_null函式 event_log 函式 每個函式 exists 函式...
Databricks SQL Databricks Runtime 藉由取消巢狀collection傳回一組資料列。 在Databricks SQL 和 Databricks Runtime 13.3 LTS 和更新版本中,此函式支援具名參數調用。 語法 explode(collection) 引數 collectionARRAY:或MAP表達式。 傳回 一組數據列,由陣列的專案或地圖的索引鍵和值所組成。 陣列所產生的explode資料...
day(expr) Returns the day of month of the date or timestamp. dayname(expr) Returns the three-letter english acronym for the day of the week for the given date. dayofmonth(expr) Returns the day of month of the date or timestamp. dayofweek(expr) Returns the day of week of the date ...
Date_trunc function (Databricks SQL), First day of week (beginning with Sunday), How to select last quarter / last 2 months of data in Amazon Redshift query, Redshift - Adding dates (month interval) between two dates
See Statement Execution API: Run SQL on warehouses. Visualizations: Table sorting is now preserved when data changes due to filtering. SQL Editor: Increased readability by adding additional padding between the last line of a query and the result output. July 25, 2024 Databricks REST API: APIs ...
sql.functions as F df_ratings = spark.table(f"{catalog_name}.{silver_layer}.{user_item_table_name}") # --- create two new features rating_date_month and rating_date_dayofmonth df_ratings_transformed = df_ratings.withColumnRenamed("timestamp", "rating_date") df_ratings_transformed = ...
Source= Databricks.Query("", "/sql/1.0/warehouses/xxxxxxx", [Catalog="hive_metastore", Database="schema_xxxx", EnableAutomaticProxyDiscovery=null]), hive_metastore_Database = Fonte("SELECT * FROM hive_metastore.schema_xxxx.tablename T")inhive_metastore_Database ...