可能会收到类似 An error occurred while loading the model. No module named <module-name>. 的错误。 此错误可能表明容器缺少依赖项。 验证是否正确表示了容器生成中应包含的所有依赖项。 请特别注意自定义库,并确保 .whl 文件作为项目包含在内。服务日志循环...
com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat jackson-dataformat-yaml 2.15.2 com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype jackson-datatype-joda 2.15.2 com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype jackson-datatype-jsr310 2.16.0 com.fasterxml.jackson.module jackson-module-paranamer 2.15.2 com.fasterxml.jackson.module jackson-module-scala_2.12...
org.wildfly.openssl wildfly-openssl 1.0.7.Final org.xerial sqlite-jdbc org.xerial.snappy snappy-java org.yaml snakeyaml 1.24 oro oro 2.0.8 pl.edu.icm JLargeArrays 1.5 software.amazon.ion ion-java 1.0.2 stax stax-api 1.0.1 xmlenc xmlenc 0.52反馈...
Add a file named deployment.yaml file to the conf directory, with the following minimal file contents: Copy YAML build: no_build: true environments: default: workflows: - name: "dbx-demo-job" new_cluster: spark_version: "10.4.x-scala2.12" node_type_id: "i3.xlarge" aws_attributes: firs...
yaml 2.2.1 zip 2.1.1 Installed Java and Scala libraries (Scala 2.12 cluster version) Group ID Artifact ID Version antlr antlr 2.7.7 com.amazonaws amazon-kinesis-client 1.12.0 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-autoscaling 1.11.655 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-cloudformation 1.11.655 com.amazonaws aw...
Add a file named deployment.yaml file to the conf directory, with the following minimal file contents: Copy YAML build: no_build: true environments: default: workflows: - name: "dbx-demo-job" new_cluster: spark_version: "10.4.x-scala2.12" node_type_id: "n1-highmem-4" num_workers: 2...
yaml 2.3.7 zip 2.3.0 Installed Java and Scala libraries (Scala 2.12 cluster version) Group ID Artifact ID Version antlr antlr 2.7.7 com.amazonaws amazon-kinesis-client 1.12.0 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-autoscaling 1.12.390 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-cloudformation 1.12.390 com.amazonaws ...
.readthedocs.yaml CHANGELOG.md CONTRIBUTING.md DCO LICENSE Makefile NOTICE README.md SECURITY.md docs-requirements.txt setup.cfg setup.py Repository files navigation README License Security Databricks SDK for Python (Beta) Beta: This SDK is supported for production use cases, but...
xtable 1.8-4 yaml 2.2.1 zip 2.1.1安裝Java 和 Scala 函式庫 (Scala 2.12 叢群版本)展開資料表 群組識別碼成品識別碼版本 ANTLR ANTLR 2.7.7 com.amazonaws amazon-kinesis-client 1.12.0 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-autoscaling 1.11.655 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-cloudformation 1.11.655 com.amaz...
.readthedocs.yaml Install local library when generating docs (databricks#469) Dec 2, 2023 CHANGELOG.md Release v0.28.0 (databricks#652) May 23, 2024 CONTRIBUTING.md Add CONTRIBUTING.md (databricks#585) Mar 16, 2024 LICENSE Added Apache 2.0 license (databricks#39) Mar 23, 2023 Makefile Retry...