ALTER STREAMING TABLE [[<catalog>.]<database>.]<name> ADD [SCHEDULE [REFRESH] CRON '<cron-string>' [ AT TIME ZONE '<timezone-id>' ]]; 例如refresh 排程查詢,請參閱 ALTER STREAMING TABLE。追蹤refresh 的狀態您可以透過在 Delta Live Tables UI 中檢視管理串流 table 的管線,或者檢視 DESCRIBE ...
您可以檢視串流數據表重新整理的狀態,方法是檢視管線,以管理 Delta Live Tables UI 中的串流數據表,或檢視串流數據表命令所DESCRIBE EXTENDED傳回的重新整理資訊。 SQL 複製 DESCRIBE EXTENDED <table-name> 從Kafka 串流擷取 如需從 Kafka 串流擷取的範例,請參閱 read_kafka。 將串流數據表的存取權授與使用者...
[SPARK-39716] [R] 使 SparkR 中的 currentDatabase/setCurrentDatabase/listCatalogs 支援 3L 命名空間 [SPARK-39788][SQL]將重新命名catalogName為dialectNameJdbcUtils [SPARK-39647] [CORE]向 ESS 註冊執行程式,再註冊 BlockManager [SPARK-39754] [CORE][SQL] Remove 未使用的 import 或不必要的 {} [SPA...
數據表屬性是一個索引鍵/值組,您可以在執行CREATE TABLE或CREATE VIEW時初始化。 您可以使用 ALTER TABLE或 ALTER VIEW來 UNSET現有或SET新的或現有的數據表屬性。 您可以使用資料表屬性來標記數據表,其中包含 SQL 未追蹤的資訊。 數據表選項 數據表選項的目的是將記憶體屬性傳遞至基礎記憶體,例如SERDE屬性...
spark session有一个catalog属性,可能就是您想要的:
Databricks Runtime 15.4 LTS and above support queries on Delta Live Tables-generated tables on single user compute, regardless of table ownership. To take advantage of the data filtering provided in Databricks Runtime 15.4 LTS and above, you must confirm that your workspace is enabled for serverle...
The contents of a repo are temporarily cloned onto disk in the control plane. Databricks notebook files are stored in the control plane database just like notebooks in the main workspace. Non-notebook files are stored on disk for up to 30 days. ...
Start by selecting the Delta Sharing submenu under the Data menu, and then click on the ‘Share Data’ button: Next, assign a name to the share: Once the share is set up, you can begin adding tables to it: Select a catalog and database to view a list of available tables: After...
df<-read.df(NULL,"com.databricks.spark.redshift",tempdir="s3n://path/for/temp/data",dbtable="my_table",url="jdbc:redshift://redshifthost:5439/database?user=username&password=pass") The library contains a Hadoop input format for Redshift tables unloaded with the ESCAPE option, which you...
Create Uniyt Catalog catalogs and schemas to organize the destination tables and views in by running the create-catalogs-schemas command. The command creates the UC catalogs and schemas based on the table mapping file. Additionally, it migrates Hive metastore database permissions if present. This ...