MERGE INTO (Azure Databricks 上的 Delta Lake) OPTIMIZE (Azure Databricks 上的 Delta Lake) REORG TABLE (Azure Databricks 上的 Delta Lake) RESTORE (Azure Databricks 上的 Delta Lake) UPDATE (Azure Databricks 上的 Delta Lake) VACUUM (Azure Databricks 上的 Delta Lake) ALTER GROUP CREATE G...
CREATE TABLE CLONE 適用於: Databricks SQL Databricks Runtime 您可以使用 Delta Lake 資料表的複製功能來達成兩個主要目標: 建立一個完整且獨立的數據表複製,包括特定版本的數據表定義和數據。 這稱為DEEP CLONE。 為特定版本的初始數據製作引用原始數據表存儲的表格定義副本。 來源或新數據表上...
For aDelta Laketable the table configuration is inherited from theLOCATIONif data is present. Therefore, if anyTBLPROPERTIES,table_specification, orPARTITIONED BYclauses are specified forDelta Laketables they must exactly match theDelta Lakelocation data. OPTIONS Sets or resets one or more user defi...
Přidání vložených odkazů pro syntaxi SQL jako CREATE TABLE a OVER.Stanovuje:Když je měřítko osy X nastavené na automatické, jsou teď k dispozici přepínače řazení a obrácení. Heat mapy a kontingenční tabulky teď reagují na určité hraniční př...
Syntax CREATE CATALOG [ IF NOT EXISTS ] catalog_name [ USING SHARE provider_name . share_name | MANAGED LOCATION location_path | COMMENT comment | OPTIONS ( { option_name = option_value } [ , ... ] ) ] [...] CREATE FOREIGN CATALOG [ IF NOT EXISTS ] catalog_name ...
Before explaining how I developed the queries, I want to take a moment to describe a Delta Lake table since this feature was also new to me. ADelta Lake tableis an open table format that enables building a lakehouse architecture on top of my Azure Data Lake. ...
conf.set("", "") # read data in delta format"delta").load(abfs://")...
Note the method in which secrets are referenced in the config section as it is different from the usual dbutils syntax The benefit of this approach is that the scope and secret names are not exposed to end-users and they do not require read access to the secret s... 在Spark SQL 中,这可以通过 轻松完成 REPLACE TABLE <tablename> USING DELTA PARTITIONED BY (view_date) AS SELECT * FROM <tablename> 修改后的示例来自: