基于java开发,功能强大、配置灵活的数据库之间同步工具,可以执行多个数据同步任务,并且可以根据cron表达式配置同步的周期和时间 - database-sync/jobs.xml at master · fengqingyebai/database-sync
DBSync is a lightweight desktop software used for database synchronization, it supports a variety of DB, it supports incremental sync, heterogeneous sync, remote sync, and provides a permanent free version.
IDBObjectStoreSync createObjectStore( in DOMString name, in DOMString keypath, in optional boolean autoIncrement ) raises (IDBDatabaseException); Parameters name The name of a new object store. keypath Thekey pathused by the new object store. If a null path is specified, then the object store...
The software requires the database to be sync'd from the main server to each laptop. The 700+ laptops are feild service technicians that have wireless mobile cards. Our problem is that syncing the database (currently around 100mb) in size gets difficult. Currently Hitachi has a... Calling NetrDatabaseSync Calling NetrDatabaseRedo Domain Trusts Methods Message Protection Methods Administrative Services Methods Obsolete Methods 3.4.6 Timer Events 3.4.7 Other Local Events ...
class Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeodatabaseSyncTask A task to generate and synchronize a mobile geodatabase with a sync-enabled ArcGIS feature service. More... Header: #include <GeodatabaseSyncTask.h> Since: Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0 Inherits: Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Object, Esri::ArcGISRuntime:... Calling NetrDatabaseSync项目 2023/12/13 反馈 msdn linkCalling this method is identical to calling NetrDatabaseSync2, as specified in section, except that this call does not use the RestartState parameter, as it doesn't support restarting the synchronization loop....
Data Sync UI Java Swing some icons 功能特性 数据库同步,数据库间数据传输 支持不同数据库间,不同表和不同表结构间数据同步 支持同步过程中数据加工(可扩展) 支持失败事务回滚 支持失败快照回滚 目前支持SqlServer->MySQL 可扩展任意不同数据库间数据传输 速览 环境依赖 Java 8 目录结构描述 config:配置 conf...
SyncDatabaseMeta - 同步数据库元数据,数据管理 DMS:同步数据库字典元数据。 仅管控模式为安全协同的数据库实例可调用此 API。 租户 ID。 数据库 ID。 是否为逻辑库。 请求 ID。 错误码。 错误信息。 请求是否成功,返回值如下: 正常返回示例 JSON格式
public final classGeodatabaseSyncTaskextends java.lang.Object implementsLoadable,RemoteResource,ApiKeyResource A task that can be used to create, download, and synchronize a sync-enabled mobile geodatabase from a sync-enabled ArcGIS Feature service. The service could be hosted ...