喜欢读"Database System Concepts"的人也喜欢 ··· Operating System Concepts 9.1 Architecture of a Database System 8.4 Programming with POSIX® Threa... 8.5 Readings in Database Systems 9.6 Distributed Algorithms: An Intuitive ... Principles of Transaction Processi... 9.0 Distributed...
1.2 Purpose of Database Systems 5 1.3 View of Data 8 1.4 Database Languages 13 1.5 Database Design 17 ··· (更多) 原文摘录 ···(全部) 作为对商业数据计算机化管理的响应,在20世纪60年代出现了最早的数据库系统。现代的数据库应用包括有非常复杂的全球型企业。跟现代的数据库应用相比,那些早期的...
web based database systems 译者:杨冬青,1969年毕业于北京大学数学力学系数学专业,现任北京大学信息科学技术学院教授,博士生导师,网络与信息系统研究所副所长,数据库与信息系统研究室主任,中国计算机学会数据库专委会委员.多年来承担并完成973,863国家科技攻关,国家自然科学基金等多项国家重点科研项目;曾获国家科技进步...
ISBN 9780078022159 Face The Real World of Database Systems Fully Equipped Welcome to the home page ofDatabase System Concepts, Seventh Edition. This new edition, published byMcGraw-Hill, was released in March 2019. What is New in The Seventh Edition ...
1.2 Purpose of Database Systems 在使用数据库之前,一般用文件系统来存储数据,而用文件系统存储数据有一些明显弊端: Data redundancy and inconsistency. 存储信息的文件和应用往往是由不同程序员分别开发维护的,且时间跨度较长,不同文件之间很有可能存在冗余信息或者不一致的数据。 Difficulty in accessing data. 数据...
“LRU is an acceptable replacement scheme in operating systems. However, a data base system is able to predict the pattern of future references more accurately than an operating system. A user request to the database system involves several steps. The database system is often able to determine...
Database System ConceptsSeventh Edition Avi Silberschatz Henry F. Korth S. Sudarshan What's New in the 7th Edition?Extensive coverage of Big Data systems, from the user perspective (Chapter 10), as well as from an internal perspective (Chapters 20 through 23). Updates to all the ...
Chapter 26: Advanced Transaction Processing Database System Concepts, 6th Ed. ?Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan See www.db-book.com for conditions on re-use Chapter 26: Advanced Transaction Processing ? Transaction-Processing Monitors ? Transactional Workflows ? High-Performance Transaction Systems ?
ConcurrentaccessbymultipleusersConcurrentaccessneededforperformanceUncontrolledconcurrentaccessescanleadtoinconsistencies–Example:Twopeoplereadingabalance(say100)andupdatingitbywithdrawingmoney(say50each)atthesametime SecurityproblemsHardtoprovideuseraccesstosome,butnotall,data Databasesystemsoffersolutionstoalltheabove...
DatabaseUsersandAdministratorsDatabaseDatabaseSystemInternalsDatabaseArchitectureThearchitectureofadatabasesystemsisgreatlyinfluencedbytheunderlyingcomputersystemonwhichthedatabaseisrunning:CentralizedClient-serverParallel(multi-processor)Distributed HistoryofDatabaseSystems1950sandearly1960s:Dataprocessingusingmagnetictapesfor...