Aggiornare il database SSO Visualizzare le informazioni del database SSO Configurare i ticket SSO Controllare SSO Abilitare SSL per SSO Eseguire il backup e il ripristino del master secret Specificare gli account Amministratori e Amministratori applicazioni affiliate SSO ...
This property specifies the credential cache timeout for all SSO Servers. SSO Servers cache the credentials after the first lookup. By default, the credential cache timeout is 60 minutes. The SSO administrator can change this to a suitable value based on the security requirements.You...
設定RetrieverMediaDatabase SSO- 在應用程式端設定單一登入設定。 建立RetrieverMediaDatabase 測試使用者- 在 RetrieverMediaDatabase 中建立 B.Simon 的對應使用者,並將其連結到該使用者的 Microsoft Entra 代表項目。 測試SSO- 確認組態是否正常運作。
Disable SSO Update the SSO Database Display the SSO Database Information Configure the SSO Tickets Audit SSO Enable SSL for SSO Backup and restore the Master Secret Enter SSO Administrators and Affiliate Administrators Accounts Create and update Affiliate Applications Create or update User Mappings Host...
Microsoft Entra ID 是雲端式身分識別和存取管理服務。 利用此服務,您可以非常輕鬆地為組織中的所有人員提供單一登入存取 (SSO)。 這表示認證會在 Azure 服務間共用,以簡化驗證。Azure AD 支援 Azure AD 多重要素驗證,因此 Azure AD 可輕鬆與 Windows Server Active Directory 整合。 這也可讓 SQL Database 和 ...
連線至 Autonomous Database,並建立證明資料來存取您複製cwallet.sso檔案的物件存放區。 如需不同物件儲存服務之使用者名稱和密碼參數的相關資訊,請參閱CREATE_CREDENTIAL。 請參閱必要的金鑰和 OCID,以取得必要的參數資訊。 BEGIN DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL ( credential_name => 'OCI_KEY_CRED', user_ocid...
For test some interface. We change BizTalk Server time to a feature date. For example, change to next month. When I start or stop some receive location, and back to current date. I get the error "The external credentials in the SSO database are more recent." when restart the receive ...
2593701 - HOW-TO In-Memory Trust Store and HANA DB SSO SAML and BI Platform 4.2 / Analysis for Office 4.2Beginning with HANA 1 SPS12 it is possible to use a certificate store within the HANA DB, instead of the file based.The advantage of the in-database certificate store is, that...
Truststoreが自動ログインSSOウォレットの場合はSSOを使用します。 SSL_KEYSTORE <KeyStore/KeyStoreファイル名への絶対パス> 例: /opt/oracle/wallets/keystore.jks KeyStoreおよびKeyStoreファイル名への絶対パスを指定します。 SSL_KEYSTOREが指定されていない場合、SSL_TRUSTSTOREに指定された値が使...
SSO Select this option to use Single Sign On, and then enter the appropriate identification string in the SSO ID text box. A site administrator can configure a SharePoint site to use a Single Sign On database where a user user name and password can be stored. This method can be ...