对于Azure Database for MySQL - 灵活服务器,可以将innodb_log_size配置为 256 兆字节 (MB)、512 MB、1 GB 或 2 GB。 参数是静态的,需要重启。 备注 如果更改了innodb_log_file_size参数的默认值,请检查值show global status like 'innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty'的值是否保持030 秒,以避免重启延迟。
version(); 二、查看当前MySQL服务器连接的次数,每个连接都有自己唯一的ID connection_id(); 三、查看当前用户的连接信息 processlist; Id:用户ID User:用户名。如果不是root就只显示用户权限范围内的SQL语句 Host:显示哪个IP的哪个端口连接的 db:使用的数据库 Command:显示当前用户连接的状态。休眠(sleep),查询(q...
Data-in replication allows you to synchronize data from an external MySQL server into an Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server instance. The external server can be on-premises, in virtual machines, Azure Database for MySQL single server, or a database service hosted by other cloud providers...
MySqlConnection(); cmd = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(); string SQL; UInt32 FileSize; byte[] rawData; FileStream fs; conn.ConnectionString = "server=;uid=root;" + "pwd=12345;database=test"; try { fs = new FileStream(@"c:\image.png", FileMode.Open, FileAccess....
version(); 二、查看当前MySQL服务器连接的次数,每个连接都有自己唯一的ID connection_id(); 三、查看当前用户的连接信息 processlist; Id:用户ID User:用户名。如果不是root就只显示用户权限范围内的SQL语句 Host:显示哪个IP的哪个端口连接的 db:使用的数据库 ...
22 Maximum Number of Tables in MySQL 0 What's the MAXIMUM number of records and tables MYSQL supports? 16 Max tables in a MySQL database 28 How big is too big for a MySQL table? 2 MySQL table size 21 MySQL what is the maximum size of a database? 4 mysql maximum row size ...
对于Azure Database for MySQL - 灵活服务器,可以将innodb_log_size配置为 256 兆字节 (MB)、512 MB、1 GB 或 2 GB。 参数是静态的,需要重启。 备注 如果更改了innodb_log_file_size参数的默认值,请检查值show global status like 'innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty'的值是否保持030 秒,以避免重启延迟。
ALTER TABLESPACE ts_1 ADD DATAFILE 'data_4.dat' INITIAL_SIZE 1G ENGINE=NDBCLUSTER; Even though the documentations are pointing that this datafile can be located by checking the datadir in config, but somehow i can't find it in my system (by default it is at /var/lib/mysql/). Share...
If ndbinfo support is enabled, then you can access ndbinfo using SQL statements in mysql or another MySQL client. For example, you can see ndbinfo listed in the output of SHOW DATABASES, as shown here (emphasized text): mysql> SHOW DATABASES; +---+ | Database | +---+ | information...
Sticky: MySQL Workbench for Database Design & Modeling (1 Posts) Edwin DeSouza 03/30/2008 12:16AM testing available timeslots Dimitris Papageorgiou 01/15/2025 05:03AM Re: testing available timeslots Rohan Sharma 01/23/2025 03:53AM Multiple Sub-directories in MySQL Data Directory Sc...