Seguridad integrada Benefíciate de la seguridad integrada, el cifrado y el acceso basado en roles de Oracle Database a datos de usuario, modelos de terceros, y objetos y scripts en R y Python, todo dentro de la base de datos.
Seguridad integrada Benefíciate de la seguridad integrada, el cifrado y el acceso basado en roles de Oracle Database a datos de usuario, modelos de terceros, y objetos y scripts en R y Python, todo dentro de la base de datos.
摘要:目录1 错误日志2 解决方案 1 错误日志 Errors in file /oracle/gridbase/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM1/trace/+ASM1_ora_153360.trc: ORA-27090: Unable to reserve kernel resources fo阅读全文 » DBMS_STATS ORA-20011 Approximate NDV failed ORA-29913 error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEOPEN callout 发表于 2...
Oracle Database Applianceでマルチユーザー・アクセスを有効にすると、次のユーザー・ロールを使用できます。 ODA-ADMINISTRATOR: これは、Oracle Database Applianceのプロビジョニング中に作成された最初のユーザー(odaadmin)に割り当てられる内部ロールです。このロールによって、odaad...
You can see which roles are currently enabled by examining the SESSION_ROLES data dictionary view.In Oracle Identity Manager, there are prerequisite grants that are provided to Oracle Identity Manager schema to create necessary objects before installing Oracle Identity Manager. Some of these grants ...
oracle在11g中引入了database resident connection pooling(DRCP)。在此之前,我们可以使用dedicated 或者share 方式来链接数据库,dedicated方式是oracle数据库默认的链接方式,无需过多的配置,而且关于dedicated的bug也是非常少的,因此,通常情况下,建议使用dedicated方式来链接数据库。但是,在服务器资源有限,并且同时连接数据库...
Forrester Research has recognized the innovative capabilities of Autonomous Database by ranking Oracle as a Leader in its latest Forrester Wave™: Cloud Data Warehouses, Q2 2023. Oracle Autonomous Database ranked highest for both strategy and current o
The addition of more privileges to theRESOURCErole means people who are in the habit of granting theCONNECTplusRESOURCEroles are getting something approaching the level of privilege granted by theDB_DEVELOPER_ROLE. It is worth considering the impact of this. ...
Chris Craft is Senior Director of Product Management, focused on advanced Oracle database technologies including Oracle Converged Database, Exadata, Exadata Cloud Services, Autonomous Database, and Oracle’s Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance. Mr. Craft has served in multiple roles within Oracle includi...
Specific privileges must be granted to users based on what they need to do in the Oracle database. Some privileges can be granted to roles, but others must be granted directly to the user. User privileges are set at different levels. The first section below lists package privileges that are...