Well, to answer these questions you need to go back to that dialog I had asked you to cancel earlier. To get to the dialog, select the Test Project and go to Test | Database Test Configuration (see Figure 3). Figure 3** Configuring the Unit Test **(Click the image for a larger ...
At this point, you are probably wondering how the test knows which database to connect to and what the privileged context I mentioned is all about. Well, to answer these questions you need to go back to that dialog I had asked you to cancel earlier. To get t...
During a Desktop Class or a typical installation, Oracle Database automatically installs the sample schemas. Installation Type When you install Oracle Database during basic and advanced installations, you need answers for the questions listed in this section. OUI provides default values for every choi...
The online JFreeChart forum also provides an archive of previous questions and answers regarding JFreeChart and allows developer questions. For a modest fee, developers can purchase and download the JFreeChart Developer Guide for JFreeChart coverage that is much more thorough. Conclusion JFreeChart provides...
Databases: Concepts, commands, codes, interview questions and more... mysqlawselasticsearchdatabasekafkamongodbneo4jdynamodbpostgresqlkinesisledgeractivemqgraph-databasedocument-databasesqs-queueinterview-questionsredis-cachenosql-databaserelational-databasecode-sample ...
Often, the first questions that administrators ask are: "Did we configure the system correctly? Is there a parameter change that fixes the problem? Do we need more hardware?" Unfortunately, these questions are very difficult to answer precisely; the result is often hours of unproductive and ...
XMLType Datatype XMLTypeis a new server datatype that can be used as columns in tables, and views. Variables ofXMLTypecan be used in PL/SQL stored procedures as parameters, return values, and so on. You can useXMLTypeinside the server, in PL/SQL, SQL and Java. It is not currently...
Send your questions and comments for Scott to toolsmm@microsoft.com. Scott Mitchell, author of numerous books and founder of 4GuysFromRolla.com, is an MVP who has been working with Microsoft Web technologies since 1998. Scott is an independent consultant, trainer, and writer. ...
The answers to these questions have been fairly elusive for DBAs before Oracle Database 10g, but now such metrics can be somewhat easy to capture if you happen to be using the latest and greatest Oracle database. First of all, part of the answer to how well, in general, a database ...
Here are some key questions to ask: What is the SLA track record for the overall service in each region where it's offered? CDOs that can't provide this record likely don't manage it effectively and should be avoided. Does the service utilize the latest technology to ensure...