publicSystem.Collections.IEnumerableSqlQuery(Type elementType,stringsql,paramsobject[] parameters); 參數 elementType Type 查詢傳回之物件的型別。 sql String SQL 查詢字串。 parameters Object[] 要套用至 SQL 查詢字串的參數。 傳回 IEnumerable 物件IEnumerable,會在列舉查詢時執行查詢。
從伺服器 database 上的SQL Server 資料庫 server,傳回 SQL 資料表與檢視的資料表。 可以選擇性地指定伺服器連接埠,並以冒號或逗號區隔。 可指定選擇性記錄參數 options 來控制下列選項:Query:用於擷取資料的原生 SQL 查詢。 如果查詢產生多個結果集,則只會傳回第一個結果集。 CreateNavigationProperties:邏輯 (...
SqlQuery(Type, String, Object[]) Creates a raw SQL query that will return elements of the given type. The type can be any type that has properties that match the names of the columns returned from the query, or can be a simple primitive type. The type does not have to be an entit...
Recently the SQL Product group released Query Store for SQL Database V12. The basic concept and usage is explained inthisblog post. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for SQL 16 has also been released as a standalone download (availablehere) so that SQL Database V12 custom...
Query: A native SQL query used to retrieve data. If the query produces multiple result sets, only the first will be returned. CreateNavigationProperties: A logical (true/false) that sets whether to generate navigation properties on the returned values (default is true). NavigationPropertyName...
AzureDiagnostics | where Resource == '<your server name>' | where Category == 'MySqlSlowLogs' | project TimeGenerated, Resource , event_class_s, start_time_t , query_time_d, sql_text_s | where query_time_d > 10 备注 有关帮助你开始通过诊断日志诊断慢查询日志的更多示例,请参阅分析A...
设置SQL Server、Azure SQL 数据库 和 Azure Synapse Analytics 中的数据库选项。 有关其他 ALTER DATABASE 选项,请参阅 ALTER DATABASE。备注 使用ALTER DATABASE 设置某些选项可能需要独占数据库访问权限。 如果 ALTER DATABASE 语句未及时完成,请检查数据库中的其他会话是否正在阻止 ALTER DATABASE 会话。有关语法...
1、SQLiteDataBase对象的query()接口: publicCursorquery(Stringtable,String[]columns,Stringselection,String[]selectionArgs, StringgroupBy,Stringhaving,StringorderBy,Stringlimit) Query the given table, returning aCursorover the result set. Parameters
Locate the Transact-SQL reference articlesTo find T-SQL articles, use search at the top right of this page, or use the table of contents on the left side of the page. You can also type a T-SQL key word in the Management Studio Query Editor window, and press F1....