"Database open for read-only access" 指的是数据库当前被设置为只读模式,这意味着用户只能执行查询(如SELECT语句)以从数据库中检索数据,但无法执行任何修改数据的操作,如插入(INSERT)、更新(UPDATE)或删除(DELETE)记录。这种模式通常用于保护数据库数据的完整性,确保在维护、备份或特定的只读应用场景中,数据不会被...
ORA-16000:database open for read-only access 处理:客户DBA修改当前数据库只读模式为读写模式即read-write 针对普通数据库非容器模式,只需要将数据库重启为read write,即先关机再开机。 注意:重启有风险,建议让专业的DBA操作或者提前做好数据备份 步骤: ...
ORA-16000: database openforread-only access ORA-06512: at"SYS.DBMS_SERVICE", line433ORA-06512: at"SYS.DBMS_SERVICE", line304ORA-06512: at line1. For details refer to"(:CLSN00107:)"in"/u01/oracle/grid/110203/log/xxxprdoradb02/agent/crsd/oraagent_oracle/oraagent_oracle.log". CRS-2674...
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level1ORA-16000: database openforread-only access 怀疑是触发器导致的问题,自己的测试环境进行测试。 测试一、dg环境开启审计参数是否影响 [oracle@adg1 dbs]$ sqlplus tt/tt@adgtns SQL*Plus: Release11. on Sat May416:56:552019SQL>audit_tr...
在Oracle ADG环境中,当使用的存储过程、视图中具有调用DBLINK的代码时,或反复执行带DBLINK的查询语句时,会遇到报错:ORA-16000: database open for read-only access 这是由于ADG环境为只读状态,使用一次DBLINK后必须提交或回滚事务后,才能再执行第二次的DBLINK调用。
方法/步骤 1 1.今天在修改数据时提示ORA-16000: database open for read-only access错误 2 2.切换到管理员账户查看数据库打开状态发现为read only。并不是read write 3 3.直接使用管理员账号进行修改时,又报如下错误。4 4.最后查找到原因是修改数据库为可写模式需要在mount状态下才可以进行,切换数据库到...
At times, users are unable to connect to the database, otherwise they can login to the read-only database without any problem. The error they receive is: ORA-00604: Error occurred at recursive SQL line 1 ORA-16000: Database open for read-only accessChanges...
Did you get the error message like "You are trying to open a read-only database". If yes, this issue may be due to the permission of the Access database. If we migrate the Access database from Access 2010 to Access 2013, the user/account's permission may be changed with different ...
To open the database for shared access in a multiuser environment, so that both you and other users can both read and write to the database at the same time, clickOpen. To open the database for read-only access, so that you can view it but cannot edit it, click the arrow next to...