Database of Interacting Proteins(蛋白质相互作用数 据库)数据摘要:The DIP database can be searched in a number of ways to retrieve the information about specific protein or interaction. It is also possible to retrieve entire groups of proteins or interactions fulfiling user-specified criteria.中文...
Database of Interacting Protein Structures (DIPS) Released with End-to-End Learning on 3D Protein Structure for Interface Prediction (NeurIPS 2019) by Raphael J.L. Townshend, Rishi Bedi, Patricia A. Suriana, Ron O. Dror. The SASNet training and testing code, as well as a cleaned up versi...
In this work, we expand on a dataset recently introduced for this task, the Database of Interacting Protein Structures (DIPS), to present DIPS-Plus, an enhanced, feature-rich dataset of 42,112 complexes for geometric deep learning of protein interfaces. The previous version of DIPS contains ...
asynthesized. Crude proteins were extracted from 4-day-old soybean roots and hypocotyls and interacting proteins were immunoprecipitated. Flag-tagged sGFP protein was[translate] asequence database as interacting protein with calnexin. Bold letters stands for query matched peptides sequences of mascot ...
8、Search Tool for Interacting Chemicals / STITCH STITCH是一个化合物-蛋白相互作用的数据库,包含了已知的和预测的相互作用。当前版本涵盖了来自2031个物种的43万个小分子和9643763个蛋白之间的相互作用。STITCH与由同一团队开发的基因关联数据库STRING共享蛋白数据。STITCH收集的数据来自人工...
The Negatome is a collection of protein and domain pairs that are unlikely to be engaged in direct physical interactions. The database currently contains experimentally supported non-interacting protein pairs derived from two distinct sources: by manual
actual length o DNA interacting with the protein and uncertainty in the location o TFBSs. As an estimate o this length, the length o the position weight matrix (PWM) or the corresponding TF available rom the HOCOMOCO database (http://hocomoco.autosome. ru) was used. When such an estimate...
that species information of the interacting proteins We concentrate on manual data extraction of is retained (see Figure 1), which is not the case primary publication papers particularly including in other databases, such as HPRD [11], where data from individual or ‘small-scale experiments’ ...
pathogenandpheno- typeannotationinformationforatotalof4634EHF genesof25clinicallyimportantpathogenicspecies. Notably,EHFPIalsoprovidessixpowerfulanddata- integrativeanalysistools,i.e.EHFOverlapAnalysis, EHF-pathogenNetworkAnalysis,GeneEnrichment Analysis,PathogenInteractingProteins(PIPs)Analy- sis,DrugTargetAnalysisand...
maizegdb the maize model organism database for basic, translational, and applied researchmaizegdb玉米生物模型数据库基础、转化和应用研究 Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Plant Genomics Volume 2008, Article ID 496957, 10 pages doi:10.1155/2008/496957 Resource Review MaizeGDB: The Maize...