Access forms are objects through which you or other users can add, edit, or display the data stored in your Access desktop database. It’s important to design your form with use in mind. For example, if it’s for multiple users, a well-designed form helps to make data entry accu...
Here is a list of topics that explain how to use the Database Window/Navigation Pane in Access: Navigation Pane (2010/2007) or Database Window (2003) Open the database exclusively inAccess 2007|2003 Hide tables Hide tables as hidden objects inAccess 2007|2003 Hide tables as system tables ...
SQL Server In-Process Specific Extensions to ADO.NET Discusses the in-process specific SqlPipe, SqlContext, SqlTriggerContext, and SqlDataRecord objects. CLR Integration and Transactions Describes how the new transaction framework provided in the System.Transactions namespace integrates with ADO.NET and...
Open the database that you want to import objects into, if it is not already open. The file format can be either MDB or ACCDB. If the file is in MDE or ACCDE format, you'll only be able to import tables and queries from other Access databases. You can't imp...
Database objects are components that save and query information. A database contains objects that are used to store and display large, relational data. Were going to talk about the database objects in Access 2013 in this article.
Situation: I have a very simple client contacts 365 Access DB created that allows users to send emails (via Outlook) to contacts in the DB from a...
On theImport Objectswindow, select the database objects and clickOK. Method 6: Repair your Access Database If your database is oversized or corrupted, you can use Microsoft Access’ built-in tool – Compact and Repair, to compact and repair the corrupted database. It can reduce the size ...
To select and convert Access database objects to SQL Server or SQL Azure syntaxIn Access Metadata Explorer, expand access-metabase, and then expand Databases. Do one or more of the following: To convert all databases, select the check box next to Databases. To convert or omit individual ...
The error message "The elastic pool has reached its storage limit" indicates that the database objects have been allocated enough space to meet the elastic pool storage limit, but there might be unused space in the data space allocation. Consider increasing the elastic pool's storage limit, or...