For assessment and data migration software, choose Azure Database Migration Service for moving on-premises SQL Server and Oracle databases to the cloud.
Azure Database Migration Service (classic) - SQL scenarios are on a deprecation path. SinceAugust 1, 2023, you're no longer able to create new Database Migration Service (classic) resources for SQL Server scenarios from Azure portal. The service will be retired onMarch 15, 2026for all custo...
Azure Database Migration Service (classic) - SQL scenarios are on a deprecation path. SinceAugust 1, 2023, you're no longer able to create new Database Migration Service (classic) resources for SQL Server scenarios from Azure portal. The service will be retired onMarch 15, 2026for all custo...
Azure Database Migration Service enables seamless migrations from multiple database sources to Azure Data platforms with minimal downtime. The service uses the Data Migration Assistant to generate assessment reports that provide recommendations to guide you through the changes required before performing a ...
Frequently asked questions about Azure pricing How is my bill calculated for the Standard tier of Database Migration Service (classic)? How is my bill calculated for the Premium tier of Database Migration Service (classic)? Is the 6-month free usage of the Premium tier of DMS (classic)...
使用Azure Data Studio 获取 Azure 迁移建议 使用自动化大规模迁移数据库 数据库迁移方案状态 迁移到 Azure SQL 托管实例 迁移到 Azure 虚拟机上的 SQL Server 迁移到 Azure SQL 数据库 迁移到 Azure Database for MySQL 安全性 教程 迁移SQL Server
Azure Database Migration Service 4 (4801 点评) 试用服务 "微软的Azure数据库迁移服务",顾名思义,是一个将数据从本地数据库迁移到云端的应用程序。它采用了一个简单的自我指导的迁移过程,便于使用。用户还可以从多个来源扩展到他们所需的目标数据库,这节省了大量的时间和精力。 Salesforce Connect 3.5 (467...
Migration tools Azure Migrate Azure Database Migration Service (DMS) Data Migration Assistant (DMA) SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) Azure Synapse Pathway Recent customer case studies Intershop (United States) Intershop, an e-commerce leader, migrates to SQL Server and Azure SQL Data...
Azure DMS Hybrid (Preview) is helpful when you want to migrate from On-Premise SQL server to Azure and don’t have site-to-site connectivity between the both,...
連線至 Azure SQL 連線到IBMDB2適用於 z/OS IBMDb2 資料庫 LUW Db2 LUW 至波斯格雷 SQL Db2 LUW 轉換為我的 SQL 使用我的SQL作為來源 甲骨文數據 甲骨文到波斯格雷 SQL 甲骨文到我的 SQL 甲骨文到 Amazon RDS 的甲骨文 後備數據庫 SQL SAP資料庫 ...