一口氣推出了透明資料加密(Transparent Data Encryption,TDE)、全文檢索搜尋(Full text Search)以及 SQL Database 彈性集區(SQL Database Elastic Pool)等三項新功能(截至本文撰寫為止,上述功能都尚在預覽階段)。
search result; a search priority table, storing search priority information setting out an order for searching columns in the tables of said database; a search engine configured to search said database for said input information, wherein the search engine is configured to extract one or more ...
With the growing popularity of storing and managing data using Azure SQL Database, demand for full-text search capabilities in a wide variety of applications is rapidly increasing. With Full-Text Search now available in Azure SQL Database, you have acces
FULLTEXT KEY `name` (`name`,`desc_long`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; Server 2.6 Ghz AMD Opteron 2 GB RAM Is there any possibility to get the results faster?? Thanks for your help Subject Written By Posted Fulltext search over huge database ...
I want to be able to search images by the tags with a full text search query. The query does exactly what I want but it's very slow. Can someone please help me speed it up, or create another one. There are indexes on all the id-fields and the name field in the image_tag table...
Full-Text Search 存储管理 空间控制(Spatial Control) 众所周知,顺序存取远快于随机存取。数据库系统应当对于如何排布数据具有控制权,而且数据库系统比底层的操作系统知道更多信息,因此会比操作系统做的更好。早期的数据库系统通过直接操作裸磁盘的方式达成这一目的。但是这种方式会独占磁盘,管理和恢复数据困难,不能无...
manticoresearch是一个专门为搜索而设计的数据库,包括full-text搜索。它与其他解决方案的不同之处在于: 强大而快速的full-text搜索,适用于大小数据集 SQL-first:本机Manticore的语法是SQL。它通过HTTP和MySQL协议讲SQL(您可以使用首选的MySQL客户端) JSON over HTTP:为了提供更程序化的方式来管理数据和模式,Manticore...
A system for full text search integration in XQuery for a binary object XML repository includes XQuery interpreter module(s) for implementing the XQuery language and function dispatcher module(s) for implementing the XQuery function calling mechanism. Search function implementation module(s) implement th...
Gets theBooleanvalue that specifies whether the database is enabled for full-text search. 命名空间:Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo 程序集:Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll) 语法 C#复制 publicboolIsFullTextEnabled {get;set; } ...
In contrast to full-text databases (see Section, bibliographic databases do not contain the published information itself, but only references to publications. Thus, a search in a bibliographic database gives us only literature references, whereas in a full-text database complete articl...