如先前必要條件一節中所述,您必須將 Excel 資料匯出成文字,才能使用bcp將它匯入。bcp工具無法直接讀取 Excel 檔案。 用於從儲存在本機儲存體的測試 (CSV) 檔案匯入至 SQL Server 或 SQL Database。 主控台 bcp.exe ImportFromExcel..Data_bcp in "C:\Temp\data.csv" -T -c -t , ...
Learn how to move system and user databases by specifying the new file location in the FILENAME clause of the ALTER DATABASE statement.
資料庫名稱在 SQL Server 的執行個體內必須是唯一的,且必須符合識別碼的規則。 除非沒有指定記錄檔的邏輯名稱,否則 database_name 最多可有 128 個字元。 如果未指定邏輯記錄檔名稱,SQL Server 會就藉由在 database_name 附加後置詞,來產生記錄檔的 logical_file_name 和os_file_name。 這會將 database_...
namesysnameLogical name of the file in the database. physical_namenvarchar(260)Operating-system file name. If the database is hosted by an availability groupreadable secondary replica,physical_nameindicates the file location of the primary replica database. For the correct file location of...
SQL Copy MODIFY FILE ( NAME = logical_file_name, NEWNAME = new_logical_name ) To move a data file or log file to a new location, specify the current logical file name in the NAME clause and specify the new path and operating system file name in the FILENAME clause. For example:...
SQL SELECTfile_id, type_desc,name,size, max_size, growthFROMtempdb.sys.database_files; Global temporary tables inAzure SQL Databaseare database-scoped. For more information, seeDatabase scoped global temporary tables in Azure SQL Database. ...
SQL Server resources, for example a user, role or a group). This meant that if, say, a user creates a table in the database, that user cannot be deleted without deleting the table or first transferring it to another user. But in SQL Server 2005 one can now simply create the table ...
This article shows you how to restore a SQL Server database to a new location and rename the database by using SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL.
SCENARIO 1: change the location of master database file on existing SQL installation. New options are available in mssql-conf utility to provide the location of master.mdf , mastlog.ldf and errorlog. Following are the commands to set the location. ...
If the database is in .mdb file format, then Remove user-level security. Back up your database. For more information, see Protect your data with backup and restore processes. Tip Consider installing Microsoft SQL Server Express edition on your desktop which supports up to 10 GB and is a ...