当你遇到 "Zabbix database error connection refused" 的错误时,这通常意味着 Zabbix 服务器无法建立到其数据库服务器的连接。以下是一些步骤来帮助你解决这个问题: 检查Zabbix服务状态: 首先,确保 Zabbix 服务正在运行。你可以使用如下命令来检查 Zabbix 服务的状态(以 systemctl 为例,根据你的系统,命令可能有所...
Error connecting to database: Access deniedforuser'roo'@''(using password: YES) 1. 2. Database error Error connecting to database: Connection refused 1. 2. 2.解决问题 查看页面配置文件 找到zabbix前端页面配置文件conf/zabbix.conf.php 查看配置是否正确 看看zabbi...
If you've recently deployed Zabbix 5 using the downloadable Appliance package and a few hours, days or weeks later you log in and encounter a message telling you "Database Error - Connection Refused", your heart will sink and your plans for the day are likely derailed. All that work sett...
zabbix_get zabbix数据获取工具,在server端或者proxy端执行获取远程客户端信息的命令 zabbix_sender zabbix数据发送工具,在client端使用并发送数据给server或者proxy,耗时长,通常用脚本执行完毕后用于主动提交数据 zabbix_proxy zabbix分布式代理守护进程,分布式监控架构需要另外部署 5.常见3种监控方式 agent 以zabbix_agent客...
Error – 4 – Zabbix Host Not available Received empty response from Zabbix Agent at []. Assuming that agent dropped connection because of access permissions. Solution – 4 This issues i faced in AWS server due to confusion of Public IP address and pvt IP add address. I noticed...
Zabbix 2.0.2 Zabbix is temporarily unavailable! This is not good. The API should return an error that can easily be parsed, just like the rest of them. Preferrably it would be best if the API started defining its own error codes as the JSONRPC v2 standard says you should. ...