This tip walks you through the steps of creating a database in mySQL. The database created in this tip, is a simple database and table to be used with a guest book application. Create the Database File The first step is to create the database file. Start the mySQL client and type t...
CREATE {DATABASE | SCHEMA} [IF NOT EXISTS] db_name [create_option] …我们把必须出现的先整理出来。CREATE DATABASE db_name 或者CREATE SCHEMA db_name 就可以创建数据库。因为其它属于子句或者辅助功能的语句,可以不出现。让我们来操作创建数据库吧。GO!mysql> SHOW DATABASES; #输入语句,查看现有数据库+...
To create a database in MySQL, use the "CREATE DATABASE" statement:ExampleGet your own Python Server create a database named "mydatabase": import mysql.connectormydb = mysql.connector.connect( host="localhost", user="yourusername", password="yourpassword")mycursor = mydb.cursor()mycursor...
A database in MySQL is implemented as a directory containing files that correspond to tables in the database. Because there are no tables in a database when it is initially created, theCREATE DATABASEstatement creates only a directory under the MySQL data directory and thedb.optfile. Rules ...
Database changed/*create new tables in testDB*/mysql>create table testTB(-> testNum VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,-> testName VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,->testDate DATE NOT NULL); Query OK,0rows affected (0.12sec)/*view fields in testTB*/mysql>describe testTB;+---+---+---+---+---+---...
使用create database语句创建数据库,用户拥有create权限才能创建数据库。 -- 例子:创建dba用户,拥有创建数据库名称为db_x的权限mysql>createuser'dba'@'%'identifiedby'dba';QueryOK,0rowsaffected(0.00sec)mysql>grantcreateon`db\__`.*to'dba'@'%';QueryOK,0rowsaffected(0.00sec) ...
USE mysql; SELECT user FROM user; 1. 2. 创建账户: CREATE USER myuser IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword'; 1. 修改账户: RENAME USER myuser TO newuser; 1. 删除账户: DROP USER myuser; 1. 查看权限: SHOW GRANTS FOR myuser; 1. 授予权限: ...
mysql> CREATE DATABASE test_db; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.12 sec); “Query OK, 1 row affected (0.12 sec);”提示中,“Query OK”表示上面的命令执行成功,“1 row affected”表示操作只影响了数据库中一行的记录,“0.12 sec”则记录了操作执行的时间。
数据库可以看作是一个专门存储数据对象的容器,这里的数据对象包括表、视图、触发器、存储过程等,其中表是最基本的数据对象。在MySQL数据库中创建数据对象之前,先要创建好数据库。 在MySQL 中,可以使用CREATE DATABASE语句创建数据库,语法格式如下: CREATE DATABASE [IF NOT EXISTS] <数据库名>[[DEFAULT] CHARACTER...
mysql> CREATE USER 'sstuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mysql'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00sec) mysql> GRANT RELOAD, LOCK TABLES, PROCESS, REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO 'sstuser'@'localhost'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00sec) ...