Advanced connection parameters such as connection pooling Configure the operation: Contains the query to perform on the database DataWeave can extract message metadata and assist in transforming data to a different structure.Supported Operations The database connector supports the following operations: ...
This might be due to maxIdleTime property not being used in DB connection pooling configuration, due to which the idle DB connections are not getting closed. SOLUTION Possible solution #1: If you are using the "mule-db-connector" version below 1.6.0, please upgrade to version 1.6.0+ whic...
Knex:warning - Connection Error: Connection ended unexpectedly Knex:warning - Connection Error: Connection ended unexpectedly EDIT 1: I've tried setting pool.idleTimeoutMillis to 25s, pool.acquireTimeoutMillis to 4s, evictionRunIntervalMillis to 20s, and it still took around 90 seconds until the...