$JRE $JRE_OPTIONS –Xnojit -classpath $CLASSPATH oracle.net.ca.NetCA $* 削除ツール・スクリプトdeinstall.plを更新して、JREコマンドに-Xnojitオプションを含めます。たとえば、次のように-Xnojitオプションをdeinstall.plスクリプトのline 387に追加します。 $toolCmd = $jreHome.$dir...
また、各国対応のJDBCエラー・メッセージ・ファイルを選択的に含めることもできます。メッセージ・ファイルは、classes12*.jarおよびojdbc14*.jar内のoracle/jdbc/driver/Messages_*.propertiesファイルに含まれています。インストール CLASSPATHには、Oracle JDBC Driversの複数バージョンを指定...
Add the following code to class body. This function validates a U.S. phone number. It must consist of 3 numeric characters, optionally enclosed in parentheses, followed by a set of 3 numeric characters and then a set of 4 numeric characters. Examples of supported formats are (425) 555-012...
TestCondition The base class for all test conditions used to verify test scripts. A subclass of Component, it supports a design-time and runtime execution. At design time, you configure the test condition with the values you expect during test execution, and at run time the test condition us...
TimesTen now references all memory before database load to avoid a class of memory errors. TimesTen now supportsPermSizesettings larger than 256 GB without the use of huge pages on Linux systems. In this release, the daemon log message that indicates that the new deadlock-breaking mechanism has...
This library is responsible for creating and managing isolated embedded databases for each test class or test method, based on a test configuration. Supported Integrations Supports both Spring and Spring Boot frameworks Spring 4.3.8 - 6.2.x Spring Boot 1.4.6 - 3.4.x Supports multiple different...
(self, ds, path=None, is_mutable=False, is_memory=False, uri=None):self.ds = ds self.path = path self.is_mutable = is_mutable self.is_memory = is_memory+self.uri = uriself.hash = None self.cached_size = None self.cached_table_counts = None@@ -46,6 +47,8 @@class Data...
sed.referencing_class=1 JOIN sys.columns col ON sed.referenced_id=col.object_id AND sed.referenced_minor_id=col.column_id JOIN sys.types t ON col.system_type_id=t.system_type_id WHERE referencing_class=1 AND referenced_class=1 AND (col.system_type_id IN ( 59 --real ...
Smo.DatabaseOptions classMicrosoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo. DatabaseDdlTrigger.NotForReplication property Microsoft.SqlServer. Management.Smo.Server classMicrosoft.SqlServer. Management.Smo.Server classMicrosoft.SqlServer. Management.Smo.Database classNone None None SQL Server Agent net send notificationPager ...
Smo.DatabaseOptions classMicrosoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo. DatabaseDdlTrigger.NotForReplication property Microsoft.SqlServer. Management.Smo.Server classMicrosoft.SqlServer. Management.Smo.Server classMicrosoft.SqlServer. Management.Smo.Database classNone None None SQL Server Agent net send notificationPager...