local/hkust_data_prep.sh # 1)将训练集和验证集的text文件中第二列文本按空格分割,过滤掉非词,得到词汇表vocabulary cat $train_dir/text $dev_dir/text | awk '{for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) print $i}' |\ perl -ape 's/ /\n/g;' | sort -u | grep -v '\[LAUGHTER\]' | grep ...
aishell_data_prep.sh 代码分析学习 技术标签: Kaldi ASR shellaishell_data_prep.sh 代码分析学习 原始代码块如下所示:#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2017 Xingyu Na # Apache 2.0 # 导入一些执行本脚本必须的环境变量 . ./path.sh || exit 1; # 如果输入参数不是两个,那么弹出本脚本的使用方法 if [ $# ...
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from Garanti BBVA Teknoloji Data Science Challenge
data-prep címkéjű bejegyzések Announcing Power BI dataflows general availability Announcements Features Power BI április 2, 2019készítette:Anton Fritz Several months ago, we introduced Power BI dataflows as Public Preview. Now, we’re happy to announce that Power BI dataflows are generally ...
The task of deciding which value to use to fill blanks in a record should follow rules or a set of rules defined based on assumptions about the pattern of the data. There is a drawback in this operation though: data added to the pattern might not reflect the underlying pattern of the ...
data-prep Taggade inlägg: data-prep Announcing Power BI dataflows general availability Announcements Features Power BI 2 april, 2019avAnton Fritz Several months ago, we introduced Power BI dataflows as Public Preview. Now, we’re happy to announce that Power BI dataflows are generally available...
00_data data_prep.py 04_ml4t_workflow_with_zipline 02_backtesting_with_zipline.ipynb 03_ml4t_with_zipline.ipynb 649 changes: 572 additions & 77 deletions64904_alpha_factor_research/04_single_factor_zipline.ipynb Load diff Large diffs are not rendered by default. ...
Prepare UniAD data info Option1: We have already prepared the off-the-shelf data infos for you: cd UniAD/data mkdir infos && cd infos wget https://github.com/OpenDriveLab/UniAD/releases/download/v1.0/nuscenes_infos_temporal_train.pkl # train_infos wget https://github.com/OpenDriveLab/Uni...
Data Prep802 General Question484 Web Connectors432 SaaS335 REST Connector318 ODBC Connector Package230 Previous1of 5Next Your journey awaits! Join us byLoggingin and let the adventure begin. Weekly Leaderboard Select OptionLast 24 hoursWeeklyMonthlyQuarterlyBiannualYearlyAll Time ...
Power BI 2 Nisan, 2019hazırlayan:Anton Fritz Several months ago, we introduced Power BI dataflows as Public Preview. Now, we’re happy to announce that Power BI dataflows are generally available! Power BI dataflows provide business analysts with a self-service data prep and management experie...