alerts are working fine . and i m using bootstrap for pop up and bind recods from db..well that is another problem but now when i try to write like this mymodal wont works and ajax calls works fine and when i m using anchor tag outlet details bootstrap is working but my ajax c...
Client side validation not working in bootstrap modal on a partail vew Client Validation Error With Input Fields Containing Currency Values Code First: InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service Command "dotnet" is not valid. Comparing RabbitMQ, NServiceBus, MassTransit, Brighter, Kafka for...
Therefore, an inconvenience arises in that it is not necessarily possible to obtain the teaching data which is appropriate to calculate the correction amount. Further, a problem arises in that the conventional technique requires a long time, because the attitude is thought of at the working site....
When I am trying to upgrade the target frame work from 2.0 into 3.1 , the following statement are not being worked everywhere where have been used.dbcontext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("dbo.insertstoredprocedure") . Please can you help me how can I fix this issue. it is working 2.0 target...