若将Data Warehousing(数据仓储)比喻作矿坑,Data Mining就是深入矿坑采矿的工作。毕竟Data Mining不是一种无中生有的魔术,也不是点石成金的炼金术,若没有够丰富完整的数据,是很难期待Data Mining能挖掘出什么有意义的信息的。 要将庞大的数据转换成为有用的信息,必须先有效率地收集信息。随着科技的进步,功能完善...
DM- 数据挖掘(Data Mining)免费编辑修改义项名 所属类别 : 其他数学相关 数据挖掘(英语:Data mining),又译为资料探勘、数据采矿。它是数据库知识发现(英语:Knowledge-Discovery in Databases,简称:KDD)中的一个步骤。数据挖掘一般是指从大量的数据中通过算法搜索隐藏于其中信息的过程。数据挖掘通常与计算机科学有关...
miningdatawarehousingdatabases仓库frequent 系统标签: miningdatawarehousingdatabases仓库frequent 3/3/20081DataWarehousingandDataMining3/3/20082WhyDataMining?—PotentialApplications•Databaseanalysisanddecisionsupport–Marketanalysisandmanagement•targetmarketing,customerrelationmanagement,marketbasketanalysis,crossselling,...
...Data Warehousing(资料仓储) 和DataMining之间的关系 若将Data Warehousing比喻作矿坑,DataMining就是深入矿坑采矿的工作。...毕竟DataMining不是一种无中生有的魔术,也不是点石成金的炼金术,若没有够丰富完整的数据,是很难期待DataMining能挖掘出什么有意义的信息的。
Data Warehousing and Data MiningAn Overview
1. Introduction to Data Warehousing 2. Data Warehouse Process and Architecture 3. Data Warehouse Implementation 4. Data Mining Definition and Task 5. Data Mining Query Languages 6. Data Mining Techniques 7. Mining Complex Data Objects About the Author ...
Data Warehousing and Data Mining: Information for Business Intelligence 6:46 6:23 Next Lesson Database Administration and Security: Definition and Purpose Cloud Computing and Databases: Technology to Improve Database Management 5:55 Ch 10. Business, Social, and Ethical... Ch 11. Introduct...
Question: Data warehousing and data mining course Suppose a company wants to design a data warehouse to facilitate the analysis of moving vehicles in an online analytical processing manner. The company registers huge amounts of auto movement data in the...
Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1.data mining- data processing using sophisticated data search capabilities and statistical algorithms to discover patterns and correlations in large preexisting databases; a way to discover new meaning in data data processing- (computer science) a series of operations on da...
The need to warehouse data evolved as businesses began relying on computer systems to create, file, and retrieve important business documents. The concept of data warehousing was introduced in 1988 by IBM researchers Barry Devlin and Paul Murphy.1 Data warehousing is designed to enable the analysis...