下表显示了 MySQL 中支持的所有二进制大对象数据类型: 空间数据类型 它是一种特殊的数据类型,用于保存各种几何和地理值。它对应于 OpenGIS 类。下表显示了 MySQL 中支持的所有空间类型: JSON 数据类型 MySQL 从 v5.7.8 版本开始提供对原生 JSON 数据类型的支持。...
In MySQL there are three main data types: string, numeric, and date and time. String Data Types Data typeDescription CHAR(size)A FIXED length string (can contain letters, numbers, and special characters). Thesizeparameter specifies the column length in characters - can be from 0 to 255. De...
MySQL Data Types (Version 8.0) In MySQL there are three main data types: string, numeric, and date and time. String Data Types Data typeDescription CHAR(size)A FIXED length string (can contain letters, numbers, and special characters). Thesizeparameter specifies the column length in characters...
This section includes guidelines and information for the storage requirements for each data type supported by MySQL, including the internal format and size for storage engines that use a fixed-size representation for data types. Information is listed by category or storage engine. The internal represe...
As of MySQL 8.0.17, the ZEROFILL attribute is deprecated for numeric data types; you should expect support for it to be removed in a future version of MySQL. Consider using an alternative means of producing the effect of this attribute. For example, applications could use the LPAD() functio...
The table below provides a detailed overview of spatial data types in MySQL: Data TypeDescription GEOMETRYAny spatial object (point, line, polygon). POINTSingle point with two coordinate values, X and Y. LINESTRINGA series of connected points that form a line or curve. ...
The date and time data types for representing temporal values areDATE,TIME,DATETIME,TIMESTAMP, andYEAR. For theDATEandDATETIMErange descriptions,“supported”means that although earlier values might work, there is no guarantee. MySQL permits fractional seconds forTIME,DATETIME, andTIMESTAMPvalues, with...
EngineType Array of String Supported engine types for purchasable database CloneItem Clone task information. Used by actions: DescribeCloneList. NameTypeDescription SrcInstanceId String ID of the original instance in a clone task DstInstanceId String ID of the cloned instance in a clone task Clone...
The following is a table of integer types in MySQL:TINYINT,MEDIUMINTandBIGINTare MySQL extensions to the SQL standard. Table 1: Signed integer types The integer types differ in their storage. We can choose values that fit our requirements. ...
Supported data types For information about all data types in each MySQL version, see theofficial MySQL documentation. The following table provides the support status of main data types in MySQL 8.0.X. Data type MySQL Reader for batch data read ...