Data truncated for column 'type' at row 1 这个错误信息表明在尝试向数据库的 type 列插入或更新数据时,提供的数据超出了该列所能接受的范围,导致数据被截断。下面我将根据提供的 tips 逐一分析并给出可能的解决方案: 1. 确认错误信息的来源和上下文 这个错误信息通常出现在执行 SQL 插入(INSERT)或更新(UPDATE...
23 How to Avoid 'Data truncated for column' in Mysql Database Using java? 6 Unable to Generate enum type in MySql from JPA entity 0 java.sql.SQLException: Data truncated for column 'gender' at row 1 for enum 5 Hibernate: SQL error 8152 - String or binary data would be truncated ...
最近在执行一个更新语句时报这个错误:Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Data truncated for column 'last_apply_time' at row 1。 查百度说主要原因是在建表的列为特定类型,而所插入的数据类型没与其字段一一对应。 原先使用的sql语句为: UPDATE jc_supplier_funds SET last_apply_time = IFNULL((SELECT crea...
Data truncated for column 'column_name' at row # That error means the data is too large for the data type of the MySQL table column. Here are some common causes and how to fix: 1. Datatype mismatch. First, check if the data type of the column is right for the inp...
Data too long for column 2019-12-16 15:50 − 一篇文章的正文,需要很多字数,默认就是255,不够 @Lob @Basic @Type(type = "text") @Column(name = "detail", nullable = true) public String getDetail() { return ... 不打鱼光晒网 0 1197 MySQL Error:Warning: (1366, "Incorrect string...
ERROR 1265 (01000): Data truncated for column 'clientid' at row 1 ATTRIBUTES ASSOCIATED WITH THE TABLE: mysql> DESCRIBE projects; +---+---+---+---+---+---+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +---+--
0 mysql> update t set price = price + '0.09'; Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.03 sec) Rows, matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 1 mysql> show warnings; +---+---+---, i receice an error of type [ data truncated for column "con_cdata"...]. Caroline Conrad 2023-06-...
MySQL Error:Warning: (1366, "Incorrect string value: '\\xF0\\x9F\\x98\\x82\\xF0\\x9F...' for column 'xxx' at row 2") 2019-12-06 16:10 − bug现象使用连接数据库的可视化软件插入 emoj 表情数据、生僻字,可以正常插入。(导致我一直以为跟表情没有任何关系,谷歌出来一堆跟修改数据库、...
Error Code: 1265. Data truncated for column Now available on Stack Overflow for Teams!AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat. Asked4 years, 3 months ago Modified4 years, 3 months ago Viewed2k times I have a table named pt_products with the following fields...
Warning (Code 1265): Data truncated for column 'mode2' at row 15 Warning (Code 1265): Data truncated for column 'mode2' at row 16 I compared the tables in the source and target databases and they looked the same, e.g. mysql> explain FEECALCTABLE; ...