def quick_sort(l,low=0,high=0): #快速排序是递归实现的 #首先编写递归出口逻辑: #或者说递归继续深入的条件(包含了出口的意思) if(low<high): #首先对传入的区间片段做一个partition pivot_position=partion(l,low,high) quick_sort(l,low,pivot_position-1) quick_sort(l,pivot_position+1,high) 调用...
quick sort的主要思路是partition, 就是选一个element作为pivot,比如总是选最右边的element,然后将array走一遍,使得最左边的subarray都是小于或者等于pivot的值,接着都是大于pivot的值,最后将第一个大于pivot的element和pivot互换。然后返回这个pivot的index,接着再recursively 去sort pivot左边的array和pivot右边的array。
code:Shell’s-Sort #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> void shellSort(int *a, int len); // 函数声明 int main(void) { int i, len, * a; printf("请输入要排的数的个数:"); scanf("%d",&len); a = (int *)malloc(len * sizeof(int)); // 动态定义数组 printf("请输入要排...
7.10.2.选择排序(selection sort) 7.10.3.插入排序(insertion sort) 7.10.4.堆排序(heap sort) 7.10.5.归并排序(merge sort) 7.10.6.快速排序(quick sort) 7.10.7.希尔排序(shell sort) 7.10.8.计数排序(count sort) 7.10.9.桶排序(bucket sort) ...
(a)What is Algorithm and Data Structure? Algorithm: Algorithms are basically methods or recipes for solving various problems. To write a program to solve some problems, we first need to know a suitable algorithm. 算法导论:非形式的说,算法就是任何良定义的计算过程,该过程取某个值或者值的集合作为...
Code an implementation of each data structure Learn many of the algorithms commonly used to sort data, so your applications will perform efficiently when sorting large datasets Complete source code is included and is available for download Duration : 16 hours on-demand video ...
有序.sort 二分法: 快/慢 左/右 order.正/逆/倒序 前/后; 二分->四分 递归=base+recursive=栈 优化=循环/尾递归 pl py: array bisect collections sortedcontainers(Map TreeMap) java: HashMap HashSet name.命名.参数: ans/res ij kv pqr mn-len-Node Tmp Flag-Fn-Func Left-Right Start-End Firs...
data structure slice array vector list deque queue priority_queue stack rbtree(red_black_tree) map/multimap set/multiset bitmap bloom_filter hamt(hash_array_mapped_trie) ketama skiplist algorithm sort(quick_sort) stable_sort(merge_sort) binary_search lower_bound upper_bound next_permutation nth...
The implementation of QuickSort is a bit different in the two cases. Arrays attempt to optimize the algorithm on the type of contained objects and do a lot more of exception handling and static checks that the DataView structure and internal design makes unnecessary....