The structure of our paper is outlined as follows: “Literature review” section delves into the existing literature, highlighting identified gaps, followed by an explanation of the methodology used in our study. “Results and discussion” section is dedicated to the analysis and interpretation of ou...
1943-83-5 Structure IdentificationMore [Name] 2-Chloroethyl isocyanate [CAS] 1943-83-5 [Synonyms] 1-CHLORO-2-ISOCYANATO-ETHANE 2-CHLOROETHYL ISOCYANATE ISOCYANIC ACID 2-CHLOROETHYL ESTER 1-chloro-2-isocyanato-ethan 2-chlorethylisokyanat
Company Name:TCI (Shanghai) Development Co., Ltd. Telephone:021-67121386 Website: Company Name:Energy Chemical Telephone:021-021-58432009 400-005-6266 Website: Company Name:Shijiazhuang Sdyano Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. ...
Wataru, Takeuchi, Darmawan Soni, Shofiyati Rizatus, Van Mai, Khiem, San Kya, Oo, Pimple Uday, and Heng Suthy. 2015. “Near-real time meteorological drought monitoring and early warning system for croplands in Asia.” In The 36th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS). Manila, Philippine...
melanopterus (Supplementary Fig. S3), ruling out the possibility of a demographic change related to the post-glacial maximum (~20–15 KYA) as has been proposed for other sharks30. The distribution of C. melanopterus is confined to reef flats and sheltered lagoons and the effects of the ...
The crystal structure consists of a covalent B2O6 network of BO6 corner-sharing octahedra with an approximate B–O–B angle of 130◦, and the A2O sublattice forms an interpenetrating network that does not interact much with the former. It is also well known that A2B2O6 or even AB2O6...
Figure 3. Section structure diagram of this paper. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 1536 4 of 21 2. Literature Review The current autonomous identification study of ship encounter situations mainly focuses on the encounter between two power-driven vessels in sight of one another. These studies ...
for several consecutive years, China has steadily ranked as the world's largest trading country in goods through turning the power, adjusting the structure and cultivating new competitive advantages. The report of the 19th CPC National Congress proposed to "promote the formation of a new pattern of...
for several consecutive years, China has steadily ranked as the world's largest trading country in goods through turning the power, adjusting the structure and cultivating new competitive advantages. The report of the 19th CPC National Congress proposed to "promote the formation of a new pattern of...