mega328P Arduino datasheet nano2017-07-14 上传大小:470KB 所需:5积分/C币 数据集洪水中人车房检测数据集yolo+voc格式8680张.zip 数据集介绍:数据集为洪水中人车房的检测数据集,整个数据集共8680张,含yolo和voc两种标注格式,图片清晰无增强。 数据集格式:VOC格式+YOLO格式 压缩包内含:3个文件夹,分别存储图...
ArduinoARDUINO-UNO 719Kb/14PArduino® UNO R3 30/04/2024 List of Unclassifed Man...ARDUINONANO 166Kb/3PArduino Nano Released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.5 License Rev 3.0 ArduinoARDUINOUNO 719Kb/14PArduino® UNO R3 ...
So I am trying to send data (number of steps) from Arduino Nano to Android Studio application using Bluetooth HC05 module. I tried displaying the number of steps data into the logcat of Android Studio. However I can't seem to retrieve the data from the Arduino Nano as it is not displa...
Place of Origin:CN;GUA;Brand Name:original;Model Number:Nano Shield;Application:standard;Type:electronic module;Chipset:standard;|
For this I did connect the SPI interface of the ADS1292 to my Arduino Nano 33 BLE.I tried to follow the layout guidelines from the datasheet of the ADS1292.Now I have the PCB and want to read the ID of the ADC to confirm that everything is correct, but I cant read the Ou...
USB-SER-NANO-5 : Interface Development Tools NANO SMALL +5V USB-RS-232 CONVERTER. Gravitech Add-on Modules for Arduino Nano include various communication and input modules designed to work with the Arduino Nano 3.0 with ATMEGA328. These devices offer options such as communication funcionality, US...
Once I figured it was for PICs I stopped reading so aplogies if it would have helped. C I didn't post any code, I suggested looking at the Arduino library - which is likely to be easier to understand than the datasheet - Arduino libraries are a great resource. Adafruit_BMP280_...
ARDUINO DUE is one of the most powerful development boards in the ARDUINO series. DUE board not only has tons of features it also has terrific processing speed making it suitable for advanced applications.
Re: Adafruit Ultimate GPS v3 and Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2 inaccurate GPS data Postbyms1988»Thu Jan 04, 2024 7:13 pm Thanks very much for the reply. At the moment I'm using the Adafruit GPS Library by Adafruit (version 1.7.4) in the Arduino IDE (version 2.2.1). Specificall...
查Datasheet、查价格、查替代料 搜索一键BOM配单BOK-14263 厂商: SPARKFUNELECTRONICS 封装: 描述: SPARKFUN INVENTORS KIT GUIDEBOO 数据手册:下载BOK-14263.pdf立即购买 数据手册 价格&库存 BOK-14263 数据手册 SparkFun Inventor ’s Kit VERSION 4.0a Your Guide to the SIK for the SparkFun RedBoard ...