The goal of georefdatar is to provide regularly used reference data sets for geoscience for use withR. Up to now these are: periodic table of the elements standard atomic weights of the elements, as recommended byIUPAC table of minerals – with name, symbol (abbreviation) and formula ...
For medium sized data sets which aretoo-big for in-memoryprocessing buttoo-small-for-distributed-computingfiles, following R Packages come in handy. bigmemory bigmemory is part of the “big” family which consists of several packages that perform analysis on large data sets. bigmemory uses several...
Where there are multiple sets of counts for a season the average is taken and added to the package. The aim is to establish consistency in confessional counts in the absence of official sources. Given the subjective nature of the counts and the potential for clerical error no single source ...
R-Bloggers Rcomes with severalbuilt-in data sets, which are generally used as demo data for playing with R functions. In this article, we’ll first describe how load and use R built-in data sets. Next, we’ll describe some of the most used R demo data sets:mtcars,iris,ToothGrowth,Pla...
# Loading a built-in R data # Most used R built-in data sets # mtcars: Motor Trend Car Road Tests # iris # ToothGrowth # PlantGrowth # USArrests # Summary #R comes with several built-in data sets, which are generally used as demo data for playing with R functions. ...
· base R’s merge() function · dplyr’s join family of functions · data.table’s bracket syntax Get and import the data For this example I’ll use one of my favorite demo data sets—flight delay times from the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. If you want to follow along,...
data sets that are considerably smaller than an analyst is likely to be faced with in practice. To help with this problem, we have added some new data sets tolists of data setsoninside-r.orgthat we began keeping since almost two years ago. So, if you are looking for a sample data ...
Currently R supplies a reshape function that can perform some of these tasks, but confounds multiple steps in the process and is hard to use. We propose a new conceptual framework for reshaping operations and an R package to “deshape” data frames and then flexibly “reshape” them to meet...
coord_quickmap()sets the aspect ratio correctly for maps. This is very important if you’re plotting spatial data with ggplot2 coord_polar()uses polar coordinates. Polar coordinates reveal an interesting connection between a bar chart and a Coxcomb chart. ...
R setDT generates shallow copy earlier to avoid interfering with attrib… Oct 2, 2024 inst setDT generates shallow copy earlier to avoid interfering with attrib… Oct 2, 2024 man narrower lines in groupingsets.Rd (#6544) Sep 28, 2024