Under the hood the code being executed is as follows: ds.sel(dim1=coord1,...).to_dataframe() Describe View all the columns & their data types as well as individual details of each column Data TypeDisplayNotes date string If you have less than or equal to 100 unique values they will...
drop table bigtab;create table bigtab (mycol varchar2(20));begin for i in 1..20000 loop insert into bigtab (mycol) values (dbms_random.string('A',20)); end loop;end;/commit;exit This script creates a table with a large number of rows. From your sqlplus session, run the following...
The dropdown list includes a filtered list of values and an optional list of most recently used items. If the component's readOnly attribute is set to true, then the input field is disabled and the value cannot be changed. By default, the readOnly attribute is set to false, which also...
Oracle Character Large Object (CLOB) and Binary Large Object (BLOB) columns (and PL/SQL variables) can contain very large amounts of data. There are various ways of creating them to optimize Oracle storage. There is also a pre-supplied packageDBMS_LOBthat makes manipulating them in PL/SQL ...
We address the problem of user intent prediction from clickstream data of an e-commerce website via two conceptually different approaches: a hand-crafted feature-based classification and a deep learning-based classification. In both approaches, we delibe
api as sm def naive_dec(df, columns, freq=2): for col in columns: decomposition = sm.tsa.seasonal_decompose(df[col], model='additive', freq = freq, two_sided=False) df[col+"_NDDT" ] = decomposition.trend df[col+"_NDDT"] = decomposition.seasonal df[col+"_NDDT"] = ...
# record columns to delete to_del = [i for i,v in enumerate(counts) if v == 1] print(to_del) # drop useless columns df.drop(to_del, axis=1, inplace=True) print(df.shape) Running the example first loads the dataset and reports the number of rows and columns. The number of un...
Columns containing CHR(0) characters can be extracted by SDM but fails refreshing the AQS cache. 1. Create a SDM masking function. In OBT home directory ${home}\extensions\runtime\masking Create a groovy file: cleanzerobin.groovy with the following content. Object mask(Object _in) { return...
('#Sel_Division').val() })//所处Division },//配置列要显示的数据"columns": [ {"data": "User_ID"}, {"data": "User_Ename"}, {"data": "AD_Account"}, {"data": "User_Email"}, {"data": "Division"}, {"data": "Entity"}, {"data": "IsValid"}, {"data": ""}//操作...
:ITEM_INFO _soii( 0, // sort first column true // true - ascending sort order, false - descending ); gdsoColumns.m_arrItems.Add( _soii ); m_wndGrid.GridSortOrderSetup( false, // true - sort colums, false - sort rows gdsoColumns, false, false, // invert sort order true );...