4、加州大学伯克利分校University of California, Berkeley 两个相关的学位项目:数据科学工程硕士Master of Engineering (concentration in Data Science),信息与数据科学硕士Master of Information and Data Science (MIDS) 所属学院:工程学院和信息学院 地点:伯克利,加州 学制:12-20个月 伯克利的两个硕士项目综合教授技...
南加利福尼亚大学(University of Southern California),是美国西海岸最古老的顶尖私立研究型大学,世界著...
13、州立大学Arizona State University学位项目:商业分析科学硕士Master of Science in Business Analytics学院:W.P Carey商学院地点:天普(Temple),亚利桑那州学制: 9 个月亚利桑那州立大学的商业分析科学项目致力于利用数据分析提高日常商务运营和管理的效率,核心课程包括数据挖掘、应用回归分析、分析决策工具、商业分析战...
4、加州大学伯克利分校University of California, Berkeley 两个相关的学位项目:数据科学工程硕士Master of Engineering (concentration in Data Science),信息与数据科学硕士Master of Information and Data Science (MIDS) 所属学院:工程学院和信息学院 地点:伯克利,加州 学制:12-20个月 伯克利的两个硕士项目综合教授技...
Arizona State University MS in Business Analytics Barcelona Graduate School of Economics Master in Data Science Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Beer-Sheva, Israel) MSc in Information Systems Engineering with focus on Data Mining and Business Intelligence ...
Master’s of Business Administration, Business Analytics Track 备注:从偏技术的到偏商科的,偏统计的都有,其中偏技术的最难申请 2. Columbia University MS in Data Science http://datascience.columbia.edu/academics-idse 备注:2013 Fall第一批学生,首批学生质量挺高,有美国常春藤毕业的美本;偏技术的项目 ...
Stay up-to-date with the latest and hottest data science jobs by joining the Open Data Science job board. Each week, new data science jobs from leading...
This article describes the research agenda for the Visual Analytics and Data Exploration Research (VADER) Lab at Arizona State University. Over the past decade, the VADER Lab has focused on creating novel algorithms, tools and visualizations for spatiotemporal data. This article will highlight past...
1.MS in Data Science, Columbia University Columbia University is located in the heart of New York city. Being an Ivy League institution, there are no questions about its reputation. The MS program is being run by the...
’s not feasible in local or Colab-like environments. All these challenges can be solved just by moving to the cloud. Vertex AI Workbench within Google Cloud is a JupyterLab-based environment that can be leveraged for all kinds of development needs of a typical data science project. The ...