29 July - 9 August | Welcome to the Analytics and Data Science Summer School, hosted by IADS at the University of Essex.
In this article, we describe DePaul University's summer data science academy for Chicago Public School students which was, in part, funded through the SIGKDD Impact Award program in 2018. The goal of the academy was to increase awareness about data science among high school students. The ...
项目介绍:哈佛大学的数据科学项目(M.S. in Data Science)隶属SEAS(School of Engineering and Applied ...
(毕达团队) 最新美国数据科学(Data Science)选校名单,附热门学校的基本申请要求: 哈佛大学 Harvard University 专业名称:SM Data Science 课程链接:https://gsas.harvard.edu/programs-of-study/all/data-science课程长度:1年 专业背景:Students with bachelor’s degrees in the natural sciences, mathematics, or e...
NN with Torch from 5:49:32, https://github.com/alexbw/bayarea-dl-summerschool seq2seq learning, Quoc Le: from 7:03:44 Bengio: Foundations and challenges in DL, from 9:01:14 data fest: https://alexanderdyakonov.wordpress.com/ 8,9,12,13 Sept: data science week: http://dsw...
开设Data Science项目情况 ■ 2 Harvard University 哈佛大学 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Master of Science in Data Science ■ 3 University of Chicago 芝加哥大学 Graham School of Continuing Liberal& Professional Studies Master of...
美国TOP30院校中开设Data Science项目情况 ■ 2 Harvard University 哈佛大学 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Master of Science in Data Science ■ 3 University of Chicago 芝加哥大学 Graham School of Continuing Liberal& Professional Studies Master of Science in Analytics ...
1、哈佛大学 SM Data Science 项目隶属SEAS工程与应用科学学院(School of Engineering and Applied ...
◦Computer Science: 40 ◦Statistics: 15 ◦Mathematics: 41 Overall, it is a decent program and designed specifically for working professionals. 9.MS in Business Analytics, Michigan State University This is a one-year ...
专业名称:Master's in Data Science 课程链接: https://www.brown.edu/initiatives/data-science/academic-programs/masters-data-science 课程长度:one academic year plus one summer 专业背景:Students entering the program will be required tohave completed at least a year of calculus (at the level of MAT...