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University of California Riverside Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Riverside, California, United States Research articleFull text access Positional-attention based bidirectional deep stacked AutoEncoder for aspect based sentimental analysis ...
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE An open-source Data Science repository to learn and apply towards solving real world problems. This is a shortcut path to start studying Data Science. Just follow the steps to answer the questions, "What is Data Science and what should I study to learn Data Science?" ...
A handful of companies represent the major contributors in the ASF space. They all base their architectures on Hadoop which in turn are based upon the Google’s MapReduce and Google File System (GFS) papers. Hadoop, or more formallyApache Hadoop, as a term refers to the entire open source ...
“multi-principle component alloys”) in the Elsevier’s ScienceDirect API. The search returned 4029 research papers consisting of 840431 sentences. 10269rawdata points were extracted. Thecleaneddatabase consisted of 8900 datapoints. Further post-processing yielded 4275 datapoints that constitute the...
AWESOME DATA SCIENCEAn open-source Data Science repository to learn and apply towards solving real world problems.This is a shortcut path to start studying Data Science. Just follow the steps to answer the questions, "What is Data Science and what should I study to learn Data Science?"...
EPJ Data Science is an open access journal focusing on new scientific methods for analyzing and synthesizing massive data sets to achieve new insights into ...
View a sample data statementopens in new tab/window (just select the Research Data link in the left-hand bar or scroll down the page). Showcasing your research data on ScienceDirect We have 3 top tips to help you maximize the impact of your data in your article on ScienceDirect. Link ...
Awesome Data Science with Python A curated list of awesome resources for practicing data science using Python, including not only libraries, but also links to tutorials, code snippets, blog posts and talks. Core pandas - Data structures built on top of numpy. scikit-learn - Core ML library, ...
Medical data science is a rapidly growing field and will transform healthcare and medical research. Despite the presence of a large spectrum of analysis methods, including powerful machine learning algorithms, unavailability and low quality of data is the biggest barrier for developing successful AI ba...