PhD Student in Computer Science, currently Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany MSc in Business Informatics, 2012 Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Germany BSc in Business Informatics, 2010 Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Germany Welcome Welcome to my personal website (
PhD student in Data Science $60.00/hr Hello there! I'm a Doctoral student at the University of Bonn in the area of systems biology working on incorporating machine learning, deep learning, and data analysis in metabolic modeling and parameter estimation. I have extensive experience in python ...
8 PhD positions in Computer Science at Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), L'Aquila (Italy) The GSSI - Gran Sasso Science Institute offers eight, four-year PhD fellowships in Computer Science for the academic year 2021/22.The fellowships include a yearly salary of 16,159.91 EUR gross, fre...
Data Science in Hamburg - Helmholtz Graduate School for the Structure of Matter (DASHH) is an interdisciplinary graduate school that offers challenging PhD topics at the interface of the natural sciences, applied mathematics a...
最终我靠着这样的申请背景,顺利拿到了纽约大学数据科学专业、CMU软件工程专业 、软件管理及信息系统专业的...
An open-source Data Science repository to learn and apply towards solving real world problems. This is a shortcut path to start studying Data Science. Just follow the steps to answer the questions, "What is Data Science and what should I study to learn Data Science?" Sponsors SponsorPitch ...
She has a PhD in Biosciences from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia, and a MSc in Molecular Biology from the International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Biology at the University of Goettingen in Germany. Alireza Foroozani, PhD; Springer Nature...
1. 瑞士苏黎世大学UZH DDIS Group招职位类PhD 瑞士苏黎世大学UZH Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems Group招收全额资助职位类Ph.D. 苏黎世大学(德文:universität zürich;英文:university of zurich;简称UZH)坐落于瑞士联邦苏黎世,是世界著名的研究型大学,欧洲研究型大学联盟成员。苏黎世联邦理工ETH Zurich姊妹校...
Data Science Hiring and Procurement Advice Whether you're just starting out with data and analytics or expanding an existing program, I can help you to find the right staff and vendors to fit your organization's particular needs. This is just a sample of what I can offer. For larger projec...
Data Science Certification from SGIT, Steinbeis University, Germany: Accelerate your career with Data Science certification from SGIT, Steinbeis University Germany , one of the leading universities in Germany. This course is a perfect blend of theory, case studies and capstone projects. The course cur...