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entropy KL divergence, PDEs, Dirac’s bra-ket operators (〈 , 〉). This fundamentals of data science research project will explore time-complexity and inferential uncertainty in modeling, analysis and interpretation of large, heterogeneous, multi-source, multi-scale, incomplete, incongruent, and long...
We gather the sources from seven electronic databases widely known globally (Google Scholar, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus) and regionally (SciELO, Redalyc, Dialnet), and other databases from national scientific agencies (CAPES-Brazil, Conicet-Argentina, Conicyt-Chile, Concytec-Peru), in that ...
Both radiotoxicity and residual risk reduction require high accuracy of the nuclear data, mainly for the Minor Actinides. Finally, the impact of these uncertainties could be an important issue also for the economic aspects of dedicated cores. (authors) 展开 ...
Food is a central element of humans’ life, and food preferences are amongst others manifestations of social, cultural and economic forces that influence the way we view, prepare and consume food. Historically, data for studies of food preferences stems
which are large scale projects involving multiple investigators and institutions. To contribute to the advancement of science, a good percentage of the data in these projects is or is planned-to-be released for sharing. Because of the administrative burden and funding models, these datasets share ...
Single-cell data science: recurring themes A number of challenging themes are common to many or all single-cell analyses, regardless of the particular assay or data modality generated. We will start our review by introducing them. Later, when discussing the specific challenges, we will refer to...
Qiime 2: Reproducible, interactive, scalable, and extensible microbiome data science. PeerJ Prepr. 2018; 6:27295–2. https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.27295v2. Google Scholar Escudié F, Auer L, Bernard M, Mariadassou M, Cauquil L, Vidal K, Maman S, Hernandez-Raquet G, ...
publications Article Data Science Tools for Monitoring the Global Repository Eco-System and its Lines of Evolution Friedrich Summann * , Andreas Czerniak , Jochen Schirrwagen and Dirk Pieper LibTec Department, Bielefeld University Library, 33615 Bielefeld, Germany; andreas.czerniak@uni-bielefeld.de (A...
Data Science Institute, Faculty of Sciences, UHasselt—Hasselt University, Agoralaan, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium 3 Unit Separation and Conversion Technology, VITO N.V.—Flemish Institute of Technological Research, Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol, Belgium * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Sep...