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data scienceagricultural operationsIndiaprice analyticsAgricultural supply chains in the developing world face the daunting task of feeding a growing population in the coming decades. Along with the provision of food, sustaining livelihoods, enhancing nutrition and the ability to cope with rapid changes ...
HData Systems – Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence service providers for clients over the world. Their main service is based on Data Science technology that helps businesses to grow their business and achieve their go easily using reports and data from their competitors. They always delive...
For science, we identify eleven future research questions (RQs). For example, we identify four criteria (consumer expectations of data ownership, data intimacy, data permanence, and data value) that define consumers’ expectations of the terms of their data exchange with retailers. When it comes ...
Indian J Mar Sci 39(1):85–91 Google Scholar Wabnitz CC, Andrefouet S, Pulliza DT, Mullerkarger FE, Kramer PA (2008) Regional scale seagrass habitat mapping in the Wider Caribbean region using Landsat sensors: Applications to conservation and ecology. Remote Sens Environ 112(8):3455–3467...
Students can pursue B.Tech in Data Science and Engineering, B.Tech in Computer and Information Science to opt for a data analytics career path. Data processing has developed with the growth of computers and an increasing drive toward technical enhancement. Here, in this article, we will discuss...
Thus, our paper focuses on the following question: has the global financial stress in the US markets during the subprime crisis induced a persistent volatility of Indian equity stocks? This question still needs to be answered for three reasons. Firstly, the international investors overwhelm the Indi...
of Science (established under the aegis of the British Royal Society) formed a committee headed by Herschel, Humphrey Lloyd and Edward Sabine, who co-ordinated efforts to establish observatories at Dublin, Hobart, Toronto, St Helena, the Cape of Good Hope, India and Singapore during the 1840s...
Division of Agricultural Engineering, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012, India 2 Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, Mansoura 35516, Egypt 3 Department of Food Nutrition Science (Previously Chemistry), College of Science, Taif Universit...
Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science, Graz University of Technology, 8010 Graz, Austria 3 Human-Centered AI Lab (Holzinger Group), Medical University of Graz, 8036 Graz, Austria 4 Institute of Forest Engineering, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, 1190 Vienna, Austria ...