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Data Analysis and Visualization Foundations Specialization, a free Coursera course by IBM freeCodeCamp D3 basics freeCodeCamp’s 17-hour data visualization course taught by Curran Kelleher. D3, React, SVGs — this is the real deal, and you can code along. You’ll be amazed at the stuff ...](/the-last-matplotlib-tweaking-guide-youll-ever-need-dbd4374a1c1e) 好了,现在我们已经讨论过了,让我们来探索一些处理偏斜数据的方法。 1.对数变换 对数变换很可能是您应该做的第一件事,以消除预测器的偏斜。 这可以通过 Numpy 轻松完成,只需调用所需列上的log()函数。然后,您可以轻...