it is a self-paced course which will take you roughly 10 weeks to complete. This course has been designed for students that have no prior knowledge of programming, and wish to build their Data Science skills using Python.
Editor's note: For the full scope of the data science courses included in this 2-part series, please seeA Complete Collection of Data Science Free Courses - Part 1. Note:The Coursera courses mentioned in the blog can be audited for free, meaning that you have access to all the course co...
Anthony Goldbloom, CEO of Kaggle, speaks with Hugo about Kaggle, data science communities, reproducible data science, machine learning competitions and the future of data science in the cloud.
New York University:MS in Data Science 访谈实录 1、项目基本介绍 主持人:首先请师兄介绍一下这个项目,包括项目的学习长度、培养方向、学习模块,并且谈谈你认为这个项目适合哪些人去读呢? 曾师兄:NYU Data Science的项目预计时间是2年,一共36个学分,每门课3个学分,12门课,平均一学期3门。也有同学是一学期读...
Many people recommended me Kaggle for learning, but I don't know how to start it - I clearly do not have enough experience to start solving any challenge. Is anyone here who learned Data Science on Kaggle? What do you suggest? What are the best things to learn? How to start?
『 kaggle』kaggle-DATA-SCIENCE-BOWL-2018(U-net方法) 1. 赛题背景 通过自动化细胞核检测,有利于检测细胞对各种治疗方法的反应,了解潜在生物学过程。队伍需要分析数据观察模式,抽象出问题并通过建立计算机模型识别各种条件下的一系列细胞核。 2. 数据预处理...
Titanic Data Science Solutions ( data science solutions) 数据挖掘竞赛七个部分: 1. Question or problem definition. 2. Ac
专业一:数据科学硕士(Master of Data Science); 专业二:管理信息系统硕士-商务智能和数据分析(Master of Information Systems Management-Business Intelligence and Data Analytics) 所属学院:Heinz学院 地点:匹兹堡,宾夕法尼亚州 学制:16个月 卡内基梅隆大学的计算机科学专业排名在全美数一数二,与斯坦福、麻省理工起名...