COVID STATEMENT: Attendance at the conference is not required for publication and remote presentations are possible. Please check the conference website for additional details. SCOPE: Submitted papers should be related to Data Science, Data Mining, Big Data, Machine Learning and similar topics. TOPIC...
ODSC is the top applied data science training conference! Attend one of our AI events to learn more about how you can build AI today.
Data Science Next (DSCNext) Conference is owned and endorsed by InternetShine Corp, USA and Next Business Media.
2023-06-12 会议日期: 2023-08-04 会议地点: Bellevue, Washington, USA 届数: 24 QUALIS:b2浏览:17059关注:6参加:0 征稿 This conference presents excellent, novel, and contemporary papers covering all aspects of Data – including Scientific Theory and Technology-Based Applications. The IEEE IRI confer...
Site Reliability Engineer at Visa Inc. in Austin, Texas. He earned his MS in Software Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin, USA, and his BE from the University of Calicut, India, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Computer Science at the University of North Dakota, USA. ...
Track 1: Data Science Theory, Algorithms and Architectures Track 2: Data Science Applications Track 3: Computational Intelligence for Big Data Processing Track 4: Data Mining and Applications IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission Deadline: 15 September 2023 ...
Conference: Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Data Science, Advanced Algorithm and Intelligent Computing (DAI 2023) Date: 24-26 November 2023 Location: Shanghai, China (Online) Website: T
7. AI Con USA Dates:June 8–13, 2025 Location:Seattle, Washington AI Con USA 2025 is the ultimate conference for anyone looking to stay ahead in AI and ML, gain insights from top experts, and explore the latest AI applications transforming the world. ...
ICPSR is the world's largest social science data archive, and keeps research data accessible while training generations of researchers.
Website:World Conference on Data Science and Statistics Date:26-28 June Location:Frankfurt, Germany The world conference on Data Science and statistics or ‘Data science week 2023’ slated in Dubai, UAE follows the theme of “Understanding the Data Science: Can help now and in the Future”. ...