2. 统计方面的知识:考察方式包括小的应用题,怎样跟不了解统计的stakeholder解释你的分析 3. Coding test(常出现在大公司的面试中,easy-intermediate level的题),小公司或者不是做tech方面的公司考察这部分的情况比较少 4. Communicaiton:给面试者一个数据集分析,之后不仅需要报告结果,还会要求面试者做一个presentation...
顺便楼主如果要是拿到offer跟我说一声哈,我编程题大致思路写对了,但是coding少细节出了不少问题,应该会输出很多重复的数字,不知道能给多少分~希望有消息了通知下哈 heart135792z Admitted 4 选了沈阳场还没收到具体时间地点哎(ง •̀_•́)ง 想问楼主大概面试几天前收到的具体时间? rebxu0205 U...
2. 统计方面的知识:考察方式包括小的应用题,怎样跟不了解统计的stakeholder解释你的分析 3. Coding test(常出现在大公司的面试中,easy-intermediate level的题),小公司或者不是做tech方面的公司考察这部分的情况比较少 4. Communicaiton:给面试者一个数据集分析,之后不仅需要报告结果,还会要求面试者做一个presentation...
三、大杂烩(Theory+Coding+Business) 一般来说,这都是project based的题目。 project based的题目分成两类,一类是现场解题,一类是Takehome Test。 现场的题目我看到过不多,只有一次面试是面试官当场给了一个数据集,并向我提出一个问题,让我花1小时分析,并且向他展示分析结果。 Takehome test是一个大类,经常考,...
:memo: An awesome Data Science repository to learn and apply for real world problems. - academic/awesome-datascience
Behavioral (13%)- This will test your characteristics and determine if you are a good fit for the company. Coding The coding aspect of a Data Science Interview takes the highest percentage, at 38%. More than a third of your interview will be based on coding, which is normal as you’re...
It comes as no surprise that all the companies looking for data scientists will test their Python skills on a job interview. We’ll have a look at what technical concepts, along with Python/Pandas functions, you should be familiar with toland a data science job. ...
the Visual Studio CodeLearn to Code site. On the site, you can also find a Python coding pack for Windows that will install everything you need for this module. If you don't use Windows and you want a guide to help you set up your environment, seeData science in Visual S...
AWESOME DATA SCIENCEAn open-source Data Science repository to learn and apply towards solving real world problems.This is a shortcut path to start studying Data Science. Just follow the steps to answer the questions, "What is Data Science and what should I study to learn Data Science?"...
17. Jupyter – Open Source Data Science Tool Jupyter is an open-source data science tool that is predominantly used for coding Python programs but also supports other languages such as Julia, R, and Fortran. Jupyter works as a computational notebook that consists of different components including...