Data protection laws in Albania On 19 December 2024, the Parliament of the Republic of Albania passed Law No. 124/2024, titled “On Personal Data Protection” (the “Data Protection Law”) (Official Gazette of the Republic of Albania No. 9, dated 17 January 2025). This legislation aims ...
("India's DPDPA"), was passed and gazetted in August 2023. Notably, it shares several common concepts with Singapore's Personal Data Protection Act 2012 ("Singapore's PDPA"), some of which are not readily found in other laws including the European Union's General Data Protection ...
Yes, the DPDP Act envisages the applicability of data protection laws to businesses established in other jurisdictions if they render any goods or services to persons located in India from whom the data is being gathered for the delivery of such goods and services. Section 3(b) of the DPDP...
Multilaw Global Guide: Data Protection Law Resource Kit Check out this extensive coverage of data protection laws in 40 international jurisdictions. Data Protection and Privacy in International Jurisdictions Link to international guides addressing essential aspects of data protection and privacy law by leadi...
Data Protection Laws in India: The Road AheadPandey, Vaibhavi
Protection in India Laws relating to Data Protection in IndiaLaws relating to Data Protection in IndiaBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksM. Sarshar
provisions found in laws such as the Tort Liability Law have generally been used to interpret data protection rights as a right of reputation or right of privacy. However, such interpretation is not explicit. The PRC Civil Code, effective on January 1, 2021 further reinforces the statutory rig...
The Committee has sought public comments on questions relating to territorial applicability of data protection laws; extent to which the law should apply outside India such as inclusion of measures to ensure compliance by foreign entities; definition of personal data; categories of exemptions of entiti...
Other federal laws that govern the collection of information online include: The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), which governs the collection of information about minors The Health Insurance Portability and Accounting Act (HIPAA), which governs the collection of health information The...
Sodexo is committed to ensure protection of your rights under applicable laws. You will find below a table summarizing your different rights: Right of access and rectification You can request a copy of the Personal Data we hold about you. You may also request rectification of inaccurate Personal...