The Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (DPDP Act), was enacted in August 2023; however, the Rules under this Act have yet to be notified. As such, until the Rules and the Data Protection Board are notified under this Act, we will continue to adhere to the existing legislation in...
India's omnibus data protection legislation, the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 ("India's DPDPA"), was passed and gazetted in August 2023. Notably, it shares several common concepts...
The Indian Parliament recently passed the long-awaited Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (the "DPDPA") into law. As India's first comprehensive data protection law, the DPDPA will overhaul the existing patchwork of rules on personal data privacy. The DPDPA applies across ...
It mentions the an open-ended compensation scheme that marked prior drafts of India's data protection law.Sundara, KarishmaNarendran, NikhilComputer Law Review International
Evolution of the Privacy legal framework in India:India did not have a specific privacy law on personal data protection and the use of personal data has been governed as per the provisions of the Information Technology Act 2000. There are other laws namely Indian Penal Code 18...
A punitivepenalty structure–which remains a key deterrent under theGDPR–and an open-ended compensation scheme that markedprior drafts of India’s data protection law have been replaced bya sleeker, leaner regime that values the carrot over the stick, rais-ing concerns about whether the lite ...
Data protection laws Data protection laws in Albania The Republic of Albania regulates personal data protection pursuant to Law No. 9887, dated 10 March 2008 "On Protection of Personal Data", as amended ("Data Protection Law") (Official Gazette of the Republic of Albania No. 44, dated 1 ...
The Indian government on August 3, 2023, introduced theDigital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Bill, 2023in the parliament. While it’s much needed for the country to have a data protection law protecting the right to privacy of citizens, rather than giving companies and the government a free...
Finally, class actions are allowed under the GDPR and Dutch law. Most famous is the TikTok case in 2021, which resulted in the Dutch Data Protection Authority issuing an administrative fine of EUR750,000. In this case, three non-profit organisations brought overlapping claims for declaratory reli...
A New Data Protection Law on the Horizon: With the gamut of laws regulating collection and usage of various types of data, the data protection regime in India is still not exhaustive enough, and several concerns are being raised to further secure and adequately deal with the complex issues inc...